Eleazar "Trey" Vasquez III, Ph.D

- Operating Officer
Contact Info
1515 St. Andrews Dr.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Eleazar "Trey" Vasquez III is an Operating Officer with the Achievement & Assessment Institute (AAI). Prior to joining AAI's leadership team, Vasquez was director of the Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute and Professor in the Exceptional Education program within the School of Teacher Education at the University of Central Florida. His current research focuses on the evaluation of academic and behavioral outcomes for students with disabilities and for students from cultural linguistic diverse backgrounds utilizing technology to enhance instruction. He has published several articles in the area of special education, rural education, technology, and teacher preparation. Further, he submitted and received external funding to support his research activities and has presented in state, national, and international conferences. Currently, he is collaborating with several faculty to develop innovative technologies for navigating issues related to disability.
Education —
Summa Cum Laude
Selected Publications —
* Denotes student collaboration on scholarly publications
+ Denotes corresponding author
Dieker, L. A., Kennedy, M. J., Vasquez III, E., & Rock, M. (2024). Technology in the preparation of pre-and inservice teachers (Document No. 1C-11b). Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website: https://ceedar.education.ufl.edu/tools/innovation-configureations/
Marino, M., Vasquez, E., Dieker, L., Basham, J., & Blackorby, J. (2023). The future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in special education technology. The Journal of Special Education Technology. https://doi.org/10.1177/01626434231165
*+Donehower-Paul, C., Walker, J., Thomas, C., Taylor, M., Best, J., Diaz, M., Rose, C., Vasquez, E. (2023). Functional Analysis in Simulated Environments. The Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship 12 (1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.58729/2167-3454.1158
Marino, M., Vasquez, E. (2022). Changing students’ lives with personalized executive function mentoring. Journal of Autism Development Disorders. 43, 114-121. https://doi.org10.1007/s10803-012-1550-8
Beamish, W., Basham, J. D., & Vasquez, E. (2022). Professional Learning for Australian Teachers Educating Students with ASD. Promoting Collaborative Learning Cultures to Help Teachers Support Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, 251.
*+James, W., Cooney, J. H., Chini, J., Vasquez, E., & Schreffler, J. (2021). Using universal design for learning to support students with disabilities in a scale up physics course. The Physics Teacher 59(5), 320-324. https://doi.org/10.1119/10.0004878
Vasquez, E., & Marino, M. T. (2020). Enhancing executive function while addressing learner variability in inclusive classrooms. Intervention in School and Clinic. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053451220928978
Marino, M. T., Vasquez, E., Banerjee, M., Parsons, C., Saliba, Y. C., Gallegos, B., & Koch, A. (2020). Coaching as a means to enhance performance and persistence in undergraduate STEM majors with executive function deficits. Higher Education Theory and Practice. 20(5), 94- 109. https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v20i5.3040
*+Schereffler, J., Vasquez, E., Chini, J., James, W. (2019). Universal Design for Learning in postsecondary STEM education for students with disabilities: A systematic literature review. International Journal of STEM Education 6(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-019-0161-8
*Mrstik, S., Pearl, C., Hopkins, R., Vasquez, E., & Marino, M. T. (2019). Combatting special educator attrition: Mentor teachers’ perceptions of job satisfaction, resiliency, and retention. Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1017/jsi.2018.20
*Scanlon, E., Legron-Rodriguez, T., Schreffler, J., Ibadlit, E., Vasquez, E., & Chini, J. (2018). Postsecondary chemistry curriculum and universal design for learning. Chemistry Education Research and Practice Journal. 19(4), 1216-1239. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8RP00095F
*Scanlon, E., James, W., Chini, J., Schreffler, J., & Vasquez, E. (2018). Postsecondary physics curriculum and universal design for learning. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(2), 020101. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.14.020101
*+Mrstik, S., Vasquez, E., & Pearl, C. (2018). The effects of mentor teacher instruction on teaching visual supports to novice secondary teachers in self-contained classes. International Journal of Instruction. 11(1). 411-424. https://doi.org/10.12973/iji.2018.11128a
Vasquez, E., Marino, M. T., Donehower, C., Koch, A. (2017) Trial-Based Functional Analysis in Virtual Environments. Rural Special Education Quarterly (invited special issue), 36 (1), 17-24. https://doi.org/10.1177/8756870517703405
Rock, M. L., Smith, S., Regan, K., Vasquez, E., Kennedy, M., Dieker, L., Evmenva, A., Okolo, C., & Bausch, M. (2017). CEC TED TAM Commentary: A response to an interview with Joseph Smith, Director, U.S. Office of Educational Technology, Regarding 21st Century Special Education Teacher Preparation. http://www.citejournal.org//proofing/commentary-a-response-to-an-interview-withjoseph-smith-by-the-council-on-exceptional-children
*+Evans, K., & Vasquez, E. (2017). Mindfulness based stress reduction and citizenship education: A systematic review of the empirical literature. Journal of Mindfulness & Compassion. 2(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mincom.2017.09.005
Rock, M. L., Smith, S., Thomas, C., Regan, K., Vasquez, E., Kennedy, M., Dieker, L., Evmenova, A., Okolo, C., & Bausch, M. (2017). Commentary: A response to an interview with Joseph South by the teacher education and technology and media divisions of the council for exceptional children. Journal of Special Education Technology
*+Taylor, M., Vasquez, E., Donehower, C. (2017). Computer programming with early elementary students with down syndrome. Journal of Special Education Technology. DOI: 0162643417704439.
*+Pearl, C. E., Vasquez, E., Marino, M. T., Rosenberg, M. Wienke, W. Donehower, C., Gourwitz, J. & Duerr, S. (2017). Establishing content validity of the Quality Indicators for Classrooms Serving Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder instrument. Teacher Education and Special Education, 39(2), 98-120. DOI: 10.1177/08884064166814.
Rock, M., L., Spooner, F., Nagro, S., Vasquez, E., Dunn, C., Leko, M., Luckner, J., *Donehower, C., *Jones, J. L. (2016). Transforming teacher development in the digital age: Policy drivers, implications, and recommendations. Teacher Education and Special Education (Invited Special Issue) 39 (2): 98-120.
*+Walker, Z., Vasquez, E., Wienke, W. (2016). The impact of simulated interviews for individuals with intellectual disability. Journal of Educational Technology & Society (Invited special issue)19, 1, 76-88.
*+Massengale, L., Vasquez, E. (2016). Assessing Accessibility: How accessible are postsecondary online courses for students with disabilities? Journal on The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 16 (1): 69-79
Vasquez, E., Welch, G., Marino, M , Hughes, D., *Koch, A., *Delisio, L., (2015). Virtual learning environments for students with disabilities: A review and analysis of the empirical literature and two case studies. Rural Special Education Quarterly (Invited Special Issue) 34(3):26-32.
*+Straub, C., & Vasquez, E. (2015). Effects of synchronous online writing instruction for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 0,1-20.
Vasquez, E., & *Straub, C. (2015). Online instruction in writing for students with learning disabilities: A review of the literature. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 1-20.
*+McKinney, T., & Vasquez, E. (2014). There’s a bug in your ear! Using technology to increase the accuracy of DTT implementation. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.
Marino, M. T., *Becht, K., Vasquez, E., *Gallup, J., Basham, J. & *Gallegos, B. (2014). Enhancing secondary science content accessibility with video games. TEACHING Exceptional Children.
Vasquez, E., *Rodriguez, J., *Powell, S., *Hunt., J., *McKinney, T., *Straub, C., *Walker, Z., & *VinceGarland, K. (2014). Using E-Cove to increase the efficiency of pre-service teacher observations. Ed Technology Ideas.
Dieker, L. A., Kennedy, M. J., Smith, S., Vasquez , E., Rock, M., & Thomas, C. N. (2014). Use of technology in the preparation of pre-service teachers (Document No. IC-11_. Retrieved from the University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator, Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website: http://ceedar.education.ufl.edu/tools/innovation-configurations/
Marino, M. T., Gotch, C. M., Israel, M., Vasquez, E., Basham, J. D., & Becht, K. (2014). UDL in the middle school science classroom: Can video games and alternative text heighten engagement and learning for students with learning disabilities? Journal of Learning Disabilities Quarterly.
*Garland, D., *Vince-Garland, K., & Vasquez, E. (2013). Management of classroom behaviors: Perceived readiness of education interns. Journal on The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 133-147.
* Hunt, J., & Vasquez, E. (2013). An exploratory study of the effects of ratio strategies intervention on knowledge of ratio equivalence for students with mathematics learning disability. Journal of Special Education, 47(3), 1-11.
Vasquez, E., & *Serianni, B. (2012). Research and Practice in Distance Education for K-12 students. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 31(4), 33-42.
*Vince Garland, K., Vasquez, E., & Pearl, C. (2012). Efficacy of individualized clinical coaching in a virtual reality classroom for increasing teachers’ fidelity of implementation of discrete trial teaching. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities Journal, 47 (4), 502-515.
Vasquez, E. & *Straub, C. (2012). Evidence based online instruction for students with disabilities: A review of the literature. Journal of Special Education Technology, 27 (3), 31-40
Vasquez, E. & Slocum, T. (2012). The evaluation of synchronous online tutoring for students at risk of reading failure. Exceptional Children, 78 (2), 221-235.
Vasquez, E., Forbush, D., E., Mason, L, Lockwood, A., & Gleed, L. (2011). Delivery and evaluation of synchronous online reading tutoring to students at-risk of reading failure: implications for rural students. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 30(3), 16-26.
Vasquez, E., Slocum, T., Mason, L., Okeeffe, B., *Lopez, A., *Straub, C., *Powell, S., *Mkinney, T., *Bedsem, P., *Walker, Z., & *Gonzalez, T. (2011). Empirical research on ethnic minority students: 1995-2009, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, (2), 84-94.
Davis, R. L., Ninness, C., Rumph, R., McCuller, G., Stahl, K., Ward, T., & Vasquez, E. (2008). Functional assessment of self-initiated maladaptive behaviors: A case study. Behavior and Social Issues, 17, 66-85.
Hudson, P., Shupe, M., Vasquez, E., & Miller, S. (2008). Teaching data analysis to elementary students with mild disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 4(3) Article 5.
Forbush, D. E., Stenhoff, D. M., Vasquez, E., Furzland, M., Alexander, M., & Stein, J. (2007). Evaluation of an online tool for assessing competence in achievement testing. Teacher Education and Special Education, 30(3), 142-154.
Morgan, R. L., Morgan, R. B., & Vasquez, E. (2006). I can search for jobs on the Internet! A web site that helps youth in transition identify preferred employment. Teaching Exceptional Children, 38 (6), 6-11.
Ninness, C., Rumph, R., McCuller, G., Vasquez, E., Bradfield, A., & Ninness, S., (Winter 2005). A Relational frame and artificial neural network approach to computer-interactive mathematics. The Psychological Record, 55, 561-570.
Ninness, H. A. C., Newton, R., Saxon, J., Rumph, R., Bradfield, A., Harrison, C., Vasquez, E., & Ninness, S. (2002). Small group statistics: A monte carlo comparison of parametric and randomization tests. Behavior and Social Issues, 12 (1), 53-63.
Ninness, H. A. C., Rumph, R., Vasquez, E., & Bradfield, A., (2002) Multivariate randomization tests for small- n behavioral research. Behavior and Social Issues, 12 (1), 64-74.
Selected Presentations —
Invited Talks & Keynote
Vasquez, E., (2024, November). Keynote Presentation. Artificial Intelligence, Considerations for Educators and Personnel Preparation. OCALICONLINE, 2024
Vasquez, E., Basham, J., Britten, J. Brennan, K. (2024, July). Invited Talk: Artificial Intelligence and Education Listening Session. Presented to U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Staff.
Vasquez, E., Basham, J., Kishore, A., Britten, J., & Courchaine, T. (2024, June). Invited Panel Discussion: Artificial Intelligence in Special Education: Paradigms, Programs, and Possibilities. ISTE 2024. Denver, CO.
Vasquez, E., (2024, May). White House Roundtable Discussion. Artificial Intelligence, Universal Design for Learning, and University Partnerships.
Vasquez, E., (2024, May). Keynote Presentation. Artificial Intelligence, workforce, and considerations for Special Education. Florida Association for Behavior Analysis CoFABA conference.
Vasquez, E. (2024, April). Keynote Presentation. Artificial intelligence, considerations in education and rural locations. American Council on Rural Special Education Headquarters 43rd Annual Conference.
Vasquez, E., Basham, J., Marino, M.,& Brennan, K. (2024, January). HECSE: AI in Special Education. Higher Education Consortium for Special Education Winter Summit.
Marino, M. T., & Vasquez, E., (2023, April). Presentation. Project RISE interactive special education teacher preparation map. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Cambridge, MA
Marino, M. T. & Vasquez, E. (2020, May). Webinar.Universal Design for Learning in Virtual Environments. Unconference. Washington, D.C.
Vasquez, E. & Marino, M. T. (2020, January). Presentation.Infusing Universal Design for Learning in Virtual Environments. Lunch with Leaders Project Directors Meeting. Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. Washington D.C.
Marino, M. T., Parson, C., & Vasquez, E. (2019, December). Presentation.Infusing Universal Design for Learning in video games. Universal Design for Learning Implementation & Research Network southeastern conference. Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E. (2018, July). Keynote: Leveraging innovation for enhanced supports for individuals with disabilities at the secondary and post- secondary level. Landmark College Summer Institute.
Vasquez, E. & Marino, M (2017, May). Understanding executive function disorders in postsecondary education. UCF Summer Faculty Development Conference.
Kennedy, M., Hasselbring, T., Israel, M, Nagro, S. Vasquez, E. (2016, November) Invited TED/TAM Technology Strand: Use of Technology in Teacher Preparation. Teacher Education Division. Lexington, KY. (Strand Lead).
Bausch, M, Evenova, A., Jerome, M., Vasquez, E. (2016, November). Invited TED/TAM Technology Strand: Assistive Technology in Teacher Preparation. Teacher Education Division. Lexington, KY. (Strand Lead).
Vasquez, E., Marino, M., Basham, J., Gardner, J., Dieker, L. (2016, November). Invited TED/TAM Technology Strand: Emerging Technology Trends in Education. Teacher Education Division. Lexington, KY. (Strand Lead).
Courtade, G., Ault, M., Carter, R. A., Vasquez, E. (2016, November). Invited TED/TAM Technology Strand: Distance Learning and Teacher Preparation. Teacher Education Division. Lexington, KY. (Strand Lead).
Basham, J., Vasquez, E., Marino, M. (2016, April). Invited member of panel on gaming, social media, and social skills in digital environments for students with disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis.
Vasquez, E., (2015, September). What we learn from gaming? Otronicon hosted by Orlando Science Center. Orlando, FL. Keynote Speaker.
Vasquez, E. (2014, March). State of STEM education conference: Invited panel member for the iSTEM Faculty Fellowship. University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E. (2013, January). Hit the Mark with Qualtrics Research. Invited Presenter for the College of Education. University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E. (2011, May). Introduction to Single Subject Design & Analysis. Invited Presenter for the College of Health and Public Affairs Office of Research Summer Research Institute at University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E. (2010, August). Creating Accessible Content over Adobe Connect for University Students with Deaf/Hard of Hearing disabilities, Center for Distributed Learning at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E. (2009, August). Efficient use of Camtasia to disseminate lecture, and webinar materials, CFCS faculty training, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Cho, J., Turgot, D., Dagley, M., & Vasquez, E. (2018, November). Collaborative multidisciplinary engineering design experiences in IOT for teachers through summer research site program. International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Pittsburgh, PA.
Marino, M. T., Vasquez, E., & *Coy, K. (2016, November). An analysis of Universal Design for Learning during online instruction. Australian Association of Research in Education. Melbourne, AU.
Vasquez, E., Marino, M. T., & Basham, J. D. (2016, November). Teen Career Pathway. A science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) career video game pilot study. Melbourne, AU.
Marino, M. T., & Vasquez E. (2016, November). Teaching teachers to promote college and career readiness in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM): The iCAN project. Melbourne, AU.
Vasquez, E. (2012, March). Synchronous online instruction for students with disabilities in rural locations. 23rd International Conference for the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. Austin, TX.
Vasquez, E. (2008, May). Evaluation of synchronous online tutoring to students in rural and inner city public school. Paper Presented at the 34th Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Vasquez, E., & Stenhoff, D., (2007, May). Research on ethnic minority students: An analysis of 11 years of studies published in JABA. 33rd Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Vasquez, E., Forbush, D., Stenhoff, D., Lockwood, A., & Gleed, L. (2007, May). An evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency, and feasibility of live on-line tutoring for remediating students’ skill deficits. 33rd Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Morgan, R. L., & Vasquez, E. (2007, May). Teaching applied behavior analysis to pre-service teachers. 33rd Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Ninness, C., Rumph, R., McCuller, G., Harrison, C., Vasquez, E., Bradfield, A., & Ninness, S., (2003, May) Artificial neural network analysis of derived relational frames. Presentation at the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA.
Basham, J, Tuck, K, Smith, S., Marino, M., Vasquez, E., & Fulchini, A. (2024, March). Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Personnel Preparation. Council of Exceptional Children, San Antonio, TX.
Vasquez, E., Basham, J, Smith, S., Marino, M., Goldman, S., & Fulchini, A. (2024, March). Hot Topic: There’s an AI for that, but should I use it? Council of Exceptional Children, San Antonio, TX.
Marino, M., Basham, J, Smith, S., Vasquez, E., Goldman, S., Parsons, C., Seung, Y., Kim, T., & Fulchini, A. (2024, March). Townhall: Collaborative Conversation on Artificial Intelligence in Special Education. Council of Exceptional Children, San Antonio, TX.
Vasquez, E., Basham, J, Marino, M., & Brennan, K. (2024, March). Townhall: Collaborative Conversation on Artificial Intelligence in Special Education. Council of Exceptional Children, San Antonio, TX.
Donehower, C., Pennington, R., Vasquez, T., Hanson, S. (2023, January). Project Social Code: Adapting STEM content and Embedding Social Skills instruction for Students with IDD. (Conference Presentation). International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Pinczysnki, M., Enriquez, J., Marelle, C., Demarco, J., Grace, B., Rose, M., Donehower, C., Vasquez, E., Pennington, R., Hanson, S., Hirn, J. (2023, March). Increasing access to STEM instruction for students with ASD/ID [concurrent session]. CEC 2023 Convention and Expo, Louisville, KY.
Basham, J, Vasquez, E., Smith, S., Goldman, S, & Fulchini, A. (2023, October). CIDDL’s SEA-sing the Opportunity to Discuss How AI Will Change Special Education. Teacher Education Division, Long Beach, California.
Vasquez, E., Marino, M., Fulchini, A., Zimmerman, K & Basham, J. (2023, March). Bring Meaningful Technology Integration to Your Personnel Preparation Program. Council of Exceptional Children, Louisville, KY.
Dieker, L., Hines, R., & Vasquez, E. (2022, November). [Single paper session]. Free resources and research in STEM in teacher preparation and student learning. Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference 2022, Richmond, VA.
DeMarco, J., Marelle, C., Rose, M., Vasquez, E., Grace, B., Hirn, J., & Pinccynski, M. (2022, November 8-11). Bridging STEM and Social Skill Instruction for Students with ASD/ID [Paper session]. Teacher Education Division 45th Annual Conference, Richmond, Virginia, United States.
Donehower, C., Pennington, R., Vasquez, E., Hansen, S., Marelle, C., DeMarco, J., Pinczynski, M., & Enriquez, J. (2022, January). Cracking the social code: A STEM and social skills curriculum for students with ASD and ID. Presented at the International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Marelle C., DeMarco, J., Enriquez, J., Grace, B., Pinczynski, M., Donehower, C., Hansen, S., Pennington, R., Vasquez, E. (2022, January). Cracking the social code: A systematic literature review. Presented at the International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Donehower, C., Pennington, R., Vasquez, E., & Hansen, S. (2021, July). Project Social Code. Presented at the 2021 OSEP Leadership and Project Director’s Conference (Online event).
Marino, M. T. & Vasquez, E. (2020, April). Coaching as a means to enhance executive function for postsecondary STEM majors. American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference. San Francisco, CA. Conference Cancelled.
Marino, M. T. & Vasquez, E. (2020, April). A five year PLS-SEM study of postsecondary STEM majors. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual conference. San Francisco. CA. Conference Cancelled.
Marino, M. T., Vasquez, E., Gaiser, J., & Wright, C. (2019, June). Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Gaming and Simulation Innovations. Serious Play Conference. Orlando, FL.
Marino, M., & Vasquez, E. (2019, May). iCAN: Enhancing executive function in STEM majors. 31st Annual Postsecondary Disabilities Training Institute (PTI) Boston, MA.
Marino, M., & Vasquez, E. (2019, March). Changing Students’ Lives with Personalized Executive Functioning Mentoring. Universal Design for Learning International Research Network Annual Summit. Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E., Basham, J., Davis, D., Bastiani Wilson, L. (2019, February) UDL Town Hall for the Technology & Learning Connections Project. Assistive Technology Industry Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL
Vasquez, E., Pearl, C., Marino, M. T., Hopkins, R., (2018, August). Quality indicators for classrooms serving students with autism spectrum disorders (QIASD). OSEP Project Directors Conference. Washington, DC.
Wienke, W., Rude, H., Miller, K., Vasquez, E. (2018, March). Preparing special education personnel for advocacy roles impacting policy including rural areas. American Council on Rural Special Education. Salt Lake City, UT.
Schreffler, J., Vasquez, E., Chini, J., James, W. (2017, July). Using observations of universal design for learning to enhance post-secondary STEM teaching practices. Presented at Physics Education Research Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
Chini, J., James, W., Yestrebsky, C., Vasquez, E., Schreffler, J. (2017, July). Studio Physics through the lense of universal design for learning. Presented at Physics Education Research Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
Donehower, C., Vasquez, E., & Becker-Best, J. (2017, June). Teaching functional analysis using TeachLivE. Presented at TeachLivE™ Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Marnio, M., Vasquez, E. (2017, April). Preparing special educators to promote college and career readiness in STEM: The iCAN project. AERA Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Marino, M., Vasquez, E., Basham, J. (2017, April). Teen Career Pathway: An analysis of a career preparation video game for middle school students with and without disabilities. AERA Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Berkeley, S., Basham, J., Marino, M., Vasquez, E., Whitehead, A., Luh, A., Gallegos, B., Israel, M. (2017, April). Lessons from a decade of video game research for students with disabilities in science education. NARST Annual International Conference. San Antonio, TX.
*Schreffler, J., Vasquez, E., Chini, J., James, W., & Holbrook, J. (2017, March). Universal Design for Learning in Post-Secondary STEM Education for Students with Disabilities: A Systematic Literature Review. Universal Design For Learning International Research Network Summit, Orlando, FL.
Marino, M. T., Banerjee, M., & Vasquez, E. (2016, June). Interdisciplinary Coaching As a Nexus for transforming how institutions support undergraduates in STEM (iCAN). Postsecondary Disability Training Institute, Philadelphia, PA.
Basham, J., Vasquez, E., Marino, M. (2016, April). Invited member of panel on gaming, social media, and social skills in digital environments for students with disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis.
Marino, M., Vasquez, E., Donehower, C. (2016, March) UDL as a means to enhance college and Career readiness. Paper presented at UDL-IRN summit, Townson, MD.
Vasquez, E., Wienkie, W. (2016, March) Certified teachers rate 27 evidence-based practices for students with ASD identified by the NPDC. Paper presented at ACRES conference Las Vegas, NV.
Wienke, W., Vasquez,E (2016, March) Four uniquely different approaches to prepare special education doctoral level leadership personnel. Paper presented at ACRES conference Las Vegas, NV.
Gardner,J., Basham, J., Marino, M., & Vasquez, E. (2015, October). UDL and Evidenced-Based Practices: Measurement and Implementation Issues. Roundtable at the Council for Learning Disabilities annual conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Pearl, C. & Vasquez, E. (2015, April). Project ASD. Poster presented at the OSEP Virtual Project Directors Conference, Washington, DC.
Vasquez, E., & Pearl, C. (2015, April) Project SPD Action Research. Poster presented at the OSEP Virtual Project Directors’ Conference, Washington, DC.
Pennington, R., & Vasquez, E. (2015, March). Single Case Design: A Research Methodology for Rural Settings. Paper presented at the American Council on Rural Special Education Conference, New Orleans, LA.
*Nicsinger, E., * Hughes, D., Vasquez, E. (2014, November). The science of teaching emotional discrimination to children with ASD using a serious video game. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
Pearl, C., & Vasquez, E. (2014, July). Preparing highly qualified personnel to serve students with severe or profound disabilities: A personnel preparation project at UCF. Poster presented at the OSEP Project Directors Conference, Washington, DC.
Vasquez, E., & Pearl, C. (2014, July). Preparing teachers to implement discrete trial instruction: Efficacy of coaching in a virtual classroom environment. Poster presented at the OSEP Project Directors Conference, Washington, DC.
Vasquez, E., & Marino, M. (2014, March). Project Autism Spectrum Disorders. Paper Presented at the American Council on Rural Special Education Conference, Tempe, AZ.
* Walker, Z., *Koch, A., & Vasquez, E. (2013, November). Improving interview performance for individuals with intellectual disabilities using mixed reality and coaching. Paper Presented as part of the research on virtual learning environments panel at the 36th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
*Shaffer, K., *Koch, A., * Straub, C., & Vasquez, E. (2013, November). Analysis of virtual learning environments for secondary students with autism. Paper Presented as part of the research on virtual learning environments panel at the 36th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Vasquez, E., *Koch, A., *Delisio, L., *Gallup, J., *Schaffer, K., Nagendran, A., Russell, M., Straub, C., Welch, G., Hughes, C., Paz, M., & Alias, A. (2013, April). An analysis of virtual learning environments on students with disabilities: A review of the empirical literature. Paper Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children 2013 Convention and Expo. San Antonio, TX.
*Miller, K., & Vasquez, E. (2013, April). Examining the use of handwriting, typing, and scribing with struggling writers. Paper Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children 2013 Convention and Expo. San Antonio, TX.
Vasquez, E. & *Serianni, B. (2013, March). Research and Practice in Distance Education for K-12 students. Paper Presented at the American Council on Rural Special Education Conference, Orlando, FL.
*Miller, K., & Vasquez, E. (2012, November). Examining the use of handwriting, typing, and scribing with struggling writers. Paper Presented at the 35th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.
Vasquez, E., & *Straub, C. (2011, November). Evidence based instruction for K-12 learners. Where is the evidence? Paper Presented at the 34th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference. Austin, TX.
*Hunt, J., & Vasquez, E. (2010, November). Conceptual understanding in fraction through Quotient and Ratio interpretations: Old habits and new perspectives. Paper Presented at the 33rd Annual Teacher Education Division Conference. St. Louis, Missouri.
Vasquez, E., Slocum, T., Mason, L., O’Keeffe, B. *Lopez, A., *Straub, C. *Powell, S., *McKinney, T., *Bedsem, P. *Walker, Z., & *Gonzalez, T. (2010, April). Empirical Research on Ethnic Minority Students: 1995 – 2009. Paper Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Nashville, TN.
Alexander, M, Vasquez, E., Hager, K., & Keramidas, C. (2010, March). Teacher Preparation and Technology Options: Technologies that Lessen the Miles in Rural Practice. Paper Presented at the 30th Annual American Council on Rural Special Education Conference, Memphis, TN.
Vasquez. E., & Wienke, W. (2009, October) Evaluation of synchronous online tutoring delivered to students at risk of academic failure. Paper Presented at the 33rd Annual Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Keramidas, C. G., Hager, K., Alexander, M., & Vasquez, E. (2009, November) Teacher preparation in changing times: Using technology to lessen the miles in rural practica. Panel Presentation at the 32nd Annual Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Vasquez, E. & *Lopez, A. (2009, November) Empirical Research on Ethnic Minority Students 1995-2009: A review of the literature. Paper Presentation at the 32nd Annual Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Wienke, W., Gilmore, B., Salzburg, C., Sundeen, T., & Vasquez, E. (2009, March) Innovative leadership programs to prepare special education faculty for rural colleges. Symposium Presented at the 29th Annual conference for the American Council on Rural Special Education, Denver, CO.
Vasquez, E., (2009, March). Evaluation of online tutoring to at-risk students in rural locations. Paper Presented at the 29th Annual Conference for the American Council on Rural Special Education, Denver, CO.
Wienke, W., Dieker, L., Salzberg, C., Lignugaris/Kraft, B., Vasquez, E., & Pawling, K. (2008, July). Innovative leadership programs to prepare a new generation of leaders in special education. Symposium Presented at the Conference on Teacher Education and Special Education in Changing Times: Personnel Preparation and Classroom Interventions.
Forbush, D., Vasquez, E., Salzberg, C., Lockwood, A., & Gleed, L. (2007, March). Delivery and evaluation of live audio/video internet based reading tutoring. 27th Annual Conference of the American Council on Rural Special Education. Billings, MT.
Forbush, D., Vasquez, E., & Mason, L. (2007, March). Assessing tutees reading skills at a distance via a live audio/video internet based system. Paper Presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the American Council on Rural Special Education. Billings, MT.
Stenhoff, D. & Forbush, D., & Vasquez, E. (2006, November). Assessing undergraduates’ delivery of an achievement test with an internet-based tool. Paper Presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. San Diego, CA.
Marino, M. T., Vasquez, E., Hines, R. & Holbrook, J. (2016, April). Technology Innovations at the University of Central Florida. Workshop for Florida Technology Leadership Consortium.
*Donehower, C., & Vasquez, E. (2015, October). Training teachers to implement functional analysis procedures using simulation. Presented at Florida Association of Behavior Analysis Annual Conference, Daytona, FL.
* Schaffer, K., & Vasquez, E. (2013, September). Video modeling: Effects on pre-service educator pairing skills. Poster Presented at the Annual Florida Association for Behavior Analysis Conference. Daytona, FL.
Vasquez, E., & Reyes, M. (2011, November). Center for Academic and Behavioral Interventions, Research, and Practice 2010 Grant Outcomes. Presented at the Toni Jennings Annual Leadership Summit. Orlando FL.
*Vasquez, E., & Straub, C. (2011, September). Evidenced-based Synchronous Online Reading and Writing Instruction for Struggling Learners. Presented at the Florida Distance Learning Associations Fall Conference. Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E., Forbush, D., Gleed, L., & Lockwood, A. (2007, August). An evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency, and feasibility of live on-line reading tutoring for at risk students in an inner-city location. Paper Presented at the 5th Annual Utah Conference on Effective Practices in Special Education and Rehabilitation: Interventions Across the Life Span, Logan, UT.
Vasquez, E. (2007, August). Assessing tutees reading skills at a distance via a live online system. Paper Presented at the 10th Annual Graduate Research Symposium. Logan, UT.
Morgan, R. L., & Vasquez, E. (2006, June). Teaching functionally equivalent replacement behaviors: don’t agitate. Communicate! Paper Presented at the 4th Annual Utah Conference on Effective Practices in Special Education and Rehabilitation: Interventions Across the Life Span. Logan, UT.
Morgan, R. L., & Vasquez, E. (2005, June). Teaching functionally equivalent replacement behaviors to students with problem behaviors: What, how, and why. Paper Presented at the 3rd Annual Utah Conference on Effective Practices in Special Education and Rehabilitation: Interventions Across the Life Span. Logan, UT.
Vasquez, E., Ninness, C., Rumph, R., & McCuller, G. (2003, May) Error pattern recognition: Artificial neural network analysis of transformation of functions. Poster session Presented at International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA.
Vasquez, E. (2002, November). A comparison of parametric and randomized multivariate statistics using Monte Carlo methods: A computer generated approach. Poster session Presented at Texas Association of School Psychologists, Dallas, TX.
Vasquez, E. (2002, March). Small group statistics: A Monte Carlo comparison of parametric and randomization tests. Poster session Presented at the Texas Association of Applied Behavior Analysis, Houston, TX.
Calliou, M., Vasquez, E., (2002, March). The effects of using differential reinforcement of alternative (DRA) on self-stimulatory behaviors. Poster session Presented at the Texas Association of Applied Behavior Analysis, Houston, TX.
Invited Workshops
Marino, M. T., Vasquez, E., Hines, R., & Holbrook, J. (2016, April). Technology Innovations at the University of Central Florida. Florida Technology Leadership Consortium. Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E., Davey, B., & Stenhoff, D., (2011, May) Using excel vista to visually display data for behavior analysts. Workshop at the 36th Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Denver, CO.
Vasquez, E., & Schwartz, S. (2010, November). The ins and outs of online teaching in higher education: Instructing for the future! 33rd Annual Conference Teacher Education Division- Council for Exceptional Children, St. Louis, MI.
Stenhoff, D., Davey, B., & Vasquez, E. (2009, May). Using excel vista to visually display data for behavior analysts. Workshop at the 35th Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Phoenix, AZ.
Vasquez, E. (2009, September). Camtasia Studios Show and Tell. Faculty workshop at the University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL.
Vasquez, E. (2008, October). Efficient use of Camtasia Studios 5.0 for faculty to integrate asynchronous video lectures in Webcourses. Faculty Workshop at the University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL.
Davey, B., Stenhoff, D., & Vasquez, E. (2008, May). Efficient Use of Microsoft Excel for Behavior Analysis and Practitioners to Graphically Communicate Outcomes. Workshop at the 34th Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Stenhoff, D., Davey, B., & Vasquez, E. (2007, May). Efficient use of Excel for behavior analysis and practitioners to graphically communicate outcomes. Workshop at the 33rd Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.
Davey, B., Stenhoff, D., & Vasquez, E. (2006, May). Using Excel spreadsheets and graphs for visual display of individual behavior and academic performance in applied settings. Workshop at the 32nd Annual Convention of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, GA.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Continuous external funding since 2008
Total funded project experience - $81,730,661.00
Please see CV for full overview of awards and projects.