Flexible Learning through Innovations in Technology & Education (FLITE)

Led by Lisa Dieker, the mission of Flexible Learning through Innovations in Technology & Education (FLITE) is to identify, create, and integrate innovative technologies in education inclusive of teacher education and educational settings to impact practices that impact learning and performance outcomes. The center will ensure synergistic collaboration across disciplines within and outside of education to include university, industry, district and school-based partnerships. 

The goals of the center will be to:

  • Promote, create, integrate, and disseminate findings from innovative technologies and activities in education.
  • Create opportunities and connections related to emerging technologies for teaching, research and learning for use and integration in teacher preparation and educational settings.
  • Incorporate cutting-edge innovations in technology in teacher preparation and educational settings.

Full announcement and website forthcoming. 

Center Director

Lisa Dieker
  • Director of Flexible Learning through Technology Innovations in Education
  • Williamson Family Distinguished Professor in Special Education