Conference Presentations
Author | Title | Conference | Date |
Nash, B. & Bechard, S. | Evaluating the Impact of Multidimensionality on Science Item Performance (pdf) | Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY | 04/2018 |
Clark, A K., Gholson, M., Christmus, J., & Winter, P. | What Do We Know About Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who Are English Learners (pdf)? | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, San Diego, CA | 06/2018 |
Nash, B., Clark, A. K., & Thompson, W. J. | Using Simulation to Evaluate Retest Reliability of Assessment Results (pdf) | Presentation at the National Council of Measurement in Education, New York, NY | 04/2018 |
Thompson, W. J, Nash, B., & Clark, A. K. | Measuring Reliability of Student Mastery Classifications at Multiple Levels (pdf) | Presentation at the National Council of Measurement in Education, New York, NY | 04/2018 |
Clark, A. K., Karvonen, M., Wells-Moreaux, S., & Erickson, K. | Characteristics and Performance of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who May Be English Learners (pdf) | Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY | 04/2018 |
Clark, A. K., Karvonen, M., Swinburne Romine, R., & Kingston, N. | Teacher Use of Score Reports for Instructional Decision-Making (pdf) | Presentation at the National Council of Measurement in Education, New York, NY | 04/2018 |
Karvonen, M., Wells-Moreaux, S., & Clark, A. K. | Teacher Choice Within an Instructionally Embedded Assessment and Its Implications for Instruction (pdf) | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children, Tampa, FL | 02/2018 |
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | Validation of a cognitive diagnostic model of reading comprehension | Paper presented at the meeting of the National Council of Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | The impact of poverty on English language proficiency assessment performance | Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Grewing, S., & Peterson, S.M. | Alternate pathways: An overview of atypical language development in students with disabilities (pdf) | Poster presented at the annual University of Kansas Professionals for Disability and School of Education Graduate Student Research Conference, Lawrence, KS | 04/2012 |
Hock, M., Muldoon, L., Quenemoen, R., Sheinker, A., & Wilmes, C. | Assessments for the common core: Development and implementation | Panel at the IDEA Partnership meeting, Washington, DC | 01/2012 |
Kearns, J., & Whetstone, P. | Characteristics of students who participate in these assessments | Structured demonstration presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Montgomery, M., & Skorupski, W. P. | Investigation of IRT parameter recovery and classification accuracy in mixed format assessments (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Quenemoen, R. Q., & Sheinker, A. | Development of growth models for students taking an alternate assessment on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAS) | Discussant at the Collaboration to Promote Self Determination, Washington, DC | 05/2012 |
Schechinger, H. | Innovative computerized test items: A review (pdf) | Poster presented at the Annual University of Kansas Professionals for Disability (KUPD) & School of Education (SOE) Graduate Student Research Conference, Lawrence, KS | 04/2012 |
Schuster, J. G., Clark, A. K., Mark, C., & Shin, S. | Creating the Dynamic Learning Map™: Representing how concepts influence language development | Poster presented at the Mental Lexicon Conference, Montreal, Canada | 10/2012 |
Schuster, J. G., Clark, A. K., Mark, C. A., & Shin, S. | Multiple pathways to literacy: The Dynamic Learning Maps™ Alternate Assessment System (pdf) | Lecture presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, Denver, CO | 04/2012 |
Shaftel, J., & Nash, B., & Gillmor, S. | Effects of the number of response categories on rating scales (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Sheinker, A. | Lessons learned for improving access to general assessments by low-performing students with disabilities | Discussant at the U.S. Department of Education in Partnership with Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC | 06/2012 |
Sheinker, A., Whetstone, P., Ferster, A., & Shaftel, J. | Are the "right" students taking the alternate? What do we know? | Poster presented at the TASH Conference, Long Beach, CA | 11/2012 |
Sheinker, A., Whetstone, P. J., & Thurlow, M. | Program chair invited session: Next generation alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities (pdf) | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, Denver, CO | 05/2012 |
Stoltenberg, A., & Sood, P. | Tips from the writers of the Common Core State Standards (pdf) | Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Pittsburg, KS | 10/2012 |
Tindal, G., Sheinker, A., Thurlow, M., & Zigmond, N. | The next generation in alternate assessment (pdf) | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, Denver, CO | 05/2012 |
Walsh, T., & Goschin, S. | Dynamic teaching in sequential decision making environments (pdf) | Paper presented at the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Catalina Island, CA | 08/2012 |
Wang, W., & Kingston, N. M. | Are all item response functions monotonically increasing? (pdf) | Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL | 08/2012 |
Whetstone, P.J., Sheinker, A., & Joannou, K. | Go ahead and ask – Can students with SCD take an online test? | Presentation at the TASH Conference, Long Beach, CA | 11/2012 |
Whetstone, P.J., Sheinker, A., & Joannou, K. | Improving instructional quality with students with significant cognitive disabilities | Presentation at TASH Conference, Long Beach, CA | 11/2012 |
Zhao, F., Wang, W., & Kingston, N. M. | On the use of nonparametric IRT techniques for checking 3PL IRT model fit | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Stoltenberg, A., & Sood, P. | What do we know now? Reflections on the Spring 2012 Mathematics Pilot Test results (pdf) | Presentation at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Pittsburg, KS | 10/2012 |
Thomas, K., Sheinker, A., Broaddus, A., & Sood, P. | Constructing a street level view of the Common Core State Standards: A map for how all students learn mathematics (pdf) | Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the National Council for Supervisors of Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2012 |
Thomas, K., & Mark, C. | Learning maps: A comprehensive structure for assessment | Structured demonstration presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Thomas, K., Mark, C., & Crawford, J. | Dynamic Learning Maps™ Alternate Assessment: Process and progress (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Conference on Student Assessment, Minneapolis, MN | 04/2012 |
Thomas, K., Sheinker, A., & Joannou, J. | The road less traveled for alternate assessments: Mapping multiple learning pathways (pdf) | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, Denver, CO | 05/2012 |
Thomas, K., & Sood, P. | Navigating places to go when learning mathematics: Using Common Core State Standards as a map for instruction (pdf) | Presentation at the Kansas State Department of Education Annual Conference, Wichita, KS | 11/2012 |
Thurlow, M. L., Sheinker, A., Quenemoen, R. Q., & Kingston, N. M. | Assessment of students with significant cognitive disabilities: Dynamic Learning Maps™ (DLM™) and National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) (pdf) | Structured demonstration at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Kingston, N. M., Tiemann, G., Hock, M., Davis, M., & Tonks, S. | Building validity into the development of the Adaptive Reading Motivation Measures | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Mark, C., & Adams, L. | The Dynamic Learning Maps™ Assessment: Supporting access to literacy for students with significant cognitive disabilities (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL | 04/2012 |
McJunkin, L., Peyton, V., & Montgomery, M. | Examining alignment between state science assessment and classroom activities | Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Ehlert, M., Kramer, L., Sheinker, A., Wittmann, T., Holder, K., Meyer, S., & Clay, D. | Maximizing the data we have to inform and improve practice and policy | Panel discussion at the Kansas City Area Education Research Consortium Conference, Kansas City, MO | 03/2012 |
Fitzpatrick, J., & Skorpuski, W. | The sampling distribution of coefficient alpha for small samples of items and examinees | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Perie, M. | Developing PLDs for "readiness" using a statistical approach. In B. Plake (chair) using performance level descriptors to commuicate student learning and readiness for college and careers | Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Anderson, G., & Kingston, N. M. | Providing useful information to guide student learning: A review of state level individual score reports | Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Council on Measurement Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Broaddus, A. | Developing instructional tools to assist teachers in implementing the Common Core State Standards for mathematics (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Broaddus, A. | Modeling student understanding of the slope concept: An application of the attribute hierarchy method (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Broaddus, A., & Shaftel, J. | Cognitive diagnostic assessment: Informing responses and interventions (pdf) | Critical discussion presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and Council for Exceptional Children Substantive Collaborative Meeting, Reston, VA | 05/2012 |
Chen, J., & Kingston, N. M. | Detecting item sensitivity to instruction: A comparison between Mantel-Haenszel and logistic regression procedures (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Chiu, P. C. | The effect of item position on state mathematics assessment (pdf) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Cho, H. J., & Kingston, N. M. | Examining the effectiveness of test accommodation using DIF and a mixture IRT | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | Identifying sources of differential item functioning on an English language proficiency assessment (pdf) | Poster accepted to the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL | 08/2012 |
Clyne, C. | Career Pathways Collaborative™: On the road to career readiness | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Conference on Student Assessment, Minneapolis, MN | 06/2012 |
Perie, M., & Kerbel, A. | One year after standard setting: Validating the PLDs in B. Plake (chair) using performance level descriptors to communicate student learning and readiness for college and careers | Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Shaftel, J., & Shaftel, T. L. | Scale development using item-level IRT analysis of response options | Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HA | 08/2013 |
Shaftel, J. | Accessibility for technology-enhanced assessments for students with vision and motor disabilities (pdf) | Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HA | 08/2013 |
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | Understanding the meaning of slippage and guessing parameters in cognitive diagnostic models | Poster presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | The effect of item ordering on examinee performance: A synthesis of 60 years of research | Paper presented at the meeting of the National Council of Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Baker, S., Whetstone, P., & Judd, K. | Leveling the playing field begins with access to the Common Core Standards for students | The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, Denver, CO | 04/2013 |
Baker, S., Whetstone, P., Judd, K., & Bratcher, K. | Transforming and monitoring instruction: Access to quality instruction for all students in K-5 math | The National Title I Conference, Nashville, TN | 04/2013 |
Ferster, A., Shaftel, J., Sheinker, A., Shin, S., & Whetstone, P. | An argument based approach to the reliability of the First Contact Survey | The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Ferster, A., & Templin, J. | An evaluation of item design features via a random effects extension of the Linear Logistic Test Model | The annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Sheinker, A., & Thurlow, M. | The Alternate Assessment Consortia (DLM & NCSC) for students with significant cognitive disabilities: Progress to date | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, San Antonio, TX | 04/2013 |
Sheinker, A., & Whetstone, P. | Online Alternate Assessment: What are we learning? | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, San Antonio, TX | 04/2013 |
Shipman, M., Whetstone, P., & Clark, A. K. | Creating technology enhanced items using the Dynamic Learning Map™: A process for ELA | The International Reading Association 58th Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX | 04/2013 |
Thomas, K. | Mapping the way: Using a learning map to analyze assessment data and guide mathematics instruction | The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, Denver, CO | 04/2013 |
Thomas, K., & Sheinker, A. | Assessing what counts | The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, Denver, CO | 04/2013 |
Walsh, T., Zhao, F., & Broaddus, A. | Comparing computer adaptive testing item selection methods in skill networks | The annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Whetstone, P., Koziol, J., Gillmor, S., & Shuster, J. | Social skills change student behavior | The Learning Disabilities Association 50th Annual International Conference, San Antonio, TX | 02/2013 |
Adams, L., & Stoltenberg, A. | CETE's formative-assessment tools for the CCSS (pdf) | Presentation at the Kansas State Department of Education Annual Conference, Wichita, KS | 11/2012 |
Gross, J., & Shipman, M. | Developing test items to assess students with significant cognitive disabilities in the alternate assessment | Presentation at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA | 06/2013 |
Gross, J., Francis, G., & Pijem, M. | An ecological systems approach to understanding barriers to competitive employment | Poster presented at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA | 06/2013 |
Gross, J., Francis, G., & Pijem, M. | Barriers to employment, as reported by families, professionals, and individuals with disabilities | Poster presented at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA | 06/2013 |
Gross, J. | Activities of the student and early career professionals special interest group | Poster presented at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA | 06/2013 |
Gross, J., Francis, G., & Pijem, M. | Family Employment Awareness Training (FEAT): Long-term follow-up of study participants’ knowledge, expectations, and employment | Poster presented at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA | 06/2013 |
Kulp, A. | Assessing adult learners' self-esteem and anxiety | Presentation at the 12th National Conference for Accelerated Programs in Higher Education, Denver, CO | 07/2013 |
Kramer, L., Clyne, C., & McBride, L. | New questions to ask, new questions to answer – Researching new item types | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, National Harbor, MD | 06/2013 |
Clyne, C. | A different DIF study: Psychometric examination of a technology enhanced item type (pdf) | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, National Harbor, MD | 06/2013 |
Clyne, C. | Career readiness: An assessment development perspective | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, National Harbor, MD | 06/2013 |
McBride, L. | What's in a name? The influence of gender expectations on student responses to situational judgment tasks (pdf) | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, National Harbor, MD | 06/2013 |
Chang-Rios, K., Rutt, B., Vuyk M., & Taylor, C. | The Finney County kindergarten readiness GIS mapping project: A case study of early childhood and K-12 collaboration | Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Yilmaz, M. | Does supplementary education in Turkey increase the Math achievement gap among students from lower and higher SES? | Presentation at the annual meeting of the Comparative & International Educational Society, New Orleans, LA | 05/2012 |
Flowers, C., & Karvonen, M. | Growth for students with disabilities | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, National Harbor, MD | 06/2013 |
Karvonen, M., Ahumada, A., Bowman, T., Flowers, C., & Williams, L. | Standing in the middle of the bridge: Lessons learned about current AA-AAS and implications for the next generation of assessments. | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, National Harbor, MD | 06/2013 |
Bowen, K., & Clark, A. K. | Predicting text complexity when students read orally for fluency and recall for comprehension. In E. Hiebert (Chair) Beginning-reader text complexity: Scale development and best-predictor text characteristics | Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Jong, P.K., Kramer, L., Moses, T., Hyeonjoo O., & Tong Y. | An overview of psychometric work at various testing organizations | The annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Kramer, L. | Item writing in content-based context: Window dressing or power dressing | The annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, San Francisco, CA | 04/2013 |
Thompson, B.A. | Kansas partnership for educating kids in care – Educational well-being for youth in foster care | Annual Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Topeka, KS | 11/2013 |
Cox, O. | Democratic citizenship increases the probability of extraordinary rendition | Society for Personality & Social Psychology Conference, San Antonio, TX | 11/2013 |
Cox, O. | Perceived national identity ownership | Social Psychology Department "Brown Bag" Data Blitz, Lawrence, KS | 12/2011 |
Eason, B.J.A., & Johnson, C.M. | Evaluation of the impact of music program participation on students' musical and academic success, and school engagement in the municipal urban public schools: A comprehensive test of pathways and contextual factors | Twentieth International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Seattle, WA | 4/2013 |
Sprague-Jones, J. | The expansion of family policy | American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV | 08/2011 |
Stewart, B., & Clarke, E. | Motivational interviewing as an adjunct intervention to an undergraduate course in career and life planning | American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI | 08/2013 |
Stewart, B., & Rosen, M. | Examining premature foreclosure in vocational identity with an undergraduate population | The University of Kansas Annual Graduate Research Competition, Lawrence, KS | 03/2013 |
Stewart, B., Burgess, S., & James, N. | Prevalence of profanity in online "Live" video game play | Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio,TX | 04/2011 |
Stewart, B., Burgess, S., & James, N. | Preceptions of adult readers and not readers | Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio,TX | 04/2011 |
Stewart, B., & Edwards, J.H. | The role of perceived career barriers in developing career goals | Southwestern Psychological Association, San Antonio,TX | 04/2011 |
Hess, M., & Gillam, R. | Kansas strengthening families plan | The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Healthy Pathways Conference, Mayetta, KS | 04/2011 |
Hess, M. | Community-based child abuse prevention grantee panel | Annual Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Topeka, KS | 04/2011 |
Hess, M., & Gore, B.J. | Yellow brick road to community and parent cafés | Division for Early Childhood Conference, Wichita, KS | 02/2012 |
Hess, M., & Gore, B.J. | Yellow brick road – The parent leadership journey to success | 2012 Kansas Parent Leadership Conference, Topeka, KS | 10/2012 |
Hess, M., & Wallio, S. | Using a Peer Review Model to Improve Service Through Evaluation | Fostering Change, Kansas City, MO | 10/2012 |
Hess, M., & Wallio, S. | Utility of a self-assessment tool for program evaluation in community-based child abuse and neglect prevention (CBCAP) programs | Evaluation 2012, Minneapolis, MN | 10/2012 |
Conrad-Heibner, A., & Scanlon, E. | The economic conditions of child maltreatment: Establishing a social work agenda | CSWE 2013 Annual Program Meeting (APM), Dallas TX | 10/2013 |
Conrad-Heibner, A., Gillam, R., & Wallio, S. | Exploring statistical and practical significance in evaluation results: Challenges for child and family service program evaluation | American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN | 10/2012 |
Conrad-Heibner, A., Rasmussen, H., & Schoemann, A. | The relationship between caregiver or child age and protective factors against child maltreatment | 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI | 08/2013 |
Conrad-Heibner, A., Kang, M., Radohl, T., & Murphy, K.C. | Diverting youth from psychiatric residential treatment facilities: Early feedback from service providers, caregivers and youth | National Child Welfare Evaluation Summit, Washington, DC | 08/2011 |
Campbell, L., Conrad-Heibner, A., Counts, J., & Firman, C. | Promoting protective factors and preventing child maltreatment: Strength-based assessment strategies and tools | 19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Orleans, LA | 04/2014 |
Conrad-Heibner, A., Wallio, S., & Schoemann, A. | The influence of caregiver and child age on protective factors within a child welfare setting | SSWR 18th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX | 01/2014 |
Johnson-Motoyama, J., & Conrad-Heibner, A. | Developmental disabilities in child welfare and Part C implementation | 19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Orleans, LA | 04/2014 |
Baxter, J., & Severin, L. | Incorporating social media and awareness activities into community drug endangered children efforts | Ninth Annual Kansas Alliance for Drug Endangered Children Conference, Overland Park, KS | 08/2013 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., & Brazil, A. | Educators and the new reality of culturally and linguistically diverse students | USD 497 Education Symposium, Lawrence, KS | 08/2013 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., & Brazil, A. | Kansas Migrant and ELL Academy | Kansas Migrant and ELL Academy, Lawrence, KS | 06/2013 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., & Brazil, A. | Kansas Migrant and ELL Academy | Kansas Migrant and ELL Academy, Wichita, KS | 06/2013 |
Counts, J. | CBCAP peer learning call | N/A | 12/2011 |
Counts, J. | Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program – Benchmarking requirements and opportunities | Kansas Early Childhood Research and Evaluation Summit, Kansas City, MO | 06/2011 |
Counts, J. | The protective factors as a framework: Lessons learned from Kansas and opportunities for home visiting | Protective Factors Expert Panel, Washington, DC | 05/2011 |
Counts, J. | Implementing evidence-based programs in diverse community | Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Grantee Kickoff Meeting, Washington, DC | 01/2011 |
Counts, J. | Presentation on the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program | Mid-America Regional Council Health Services, Kansas City, MO | 01/2011 |
Barton, J., & Garstka, T.A. | Using research electronic data capture (REDCap) for designing a data collection system in the field. | School of Education Spring Research Retreat, Lawrence, KS | 01/2012 |
Barton, J., Richardson, D., Garskta, T.A., Spankake, S., & Smith, P. | Designing a performance management system: The Kansas and Nebraska Experience | Region VII and Region VII joint meeting for MIECHV, Denver, CO | 11/2011 |
Barton, J., & Garskta, T.A. | Using research electronic data capture (REDCap) for designing a data collection system in the field | American Evaluation Association Conference, Anaheim, CA | 11/2011 |
Barton, J. | Using research electronic data capture (REDCap) for designing a data collection system in the field | Midwest Research and Evaluation Conference, Kansas City, MO | 09/2011 |
Biggs, J., & Garstka, T.A. | Maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting (MIECHV) development project evaluation | Kansas MIECHV state and local workshops, Topeka, KS | 09/2011 |
Biggs, J., & Garstka, T.A. | Center for Restorative Education year 1 evaluation findings | Kansas Children's Service League, Topeka, KS | 10/2012 |
Joy, M., & Lansing, T. | The generations project | Thirty-fifth Annual Governor's Conference for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Topeka, KS | 11/2011 |
Gero, K., & Dvorak, M. | An inclusive environment blended with opportunities for mastery | Kansas All State Conference, Lawrence, KS | 08/2013 |
Dvorak, M. | Engagement in learning | Kansas All State Conference, Lawrence, KS | 08/2013 |
Gero, K., & Connor, C. | Granting writing | Kansas State Department of Education Annual Conference, Wichita, KS | 11/2012 |
Connor, C., & Noble, J. | Positive youth development outcomes | 2012 Kansas Conference on Service and Volunteerism, Overland Park, KS | 10/2012 |
Noble, J., & Dvorak, M. | Youth engagement | 2012 Kansas Conference on Service and Volunteerism, Overland Park, KS | 10/2012 |
Conner, C., & Gero, K. | Adolescent development | 2012 Kansas Conference on Service and Volunteerism, Overland Park, KS | 10/2012 |
Johannes, E., & Dvorak, M. | Youth culture and assumptions | 2012 Kansas Conference on Service and Volunteerism, Overland Park, KS | 10/2012 |
Dvorak, M., & Johannes, E. | Core professional competencies and quality youth – work | 2012 Kansas Conference on Service and Volunteerism, Overland Park, KS | 10/2012 |
Gartska, T.A., & Barton, J. | Core professional competencies and quality youth – work | Kansas MIECHV program grantees, Kansas City, KS | 03/2013 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., Brazil, A., & Valente, R. | Supporting English learners on the path to higher education | Thirty-fifth Annual MO-KAN-NE Educational Opportunities Conference, Kansas City, MO | 04/2013 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., Brazil, A., Valente, R., & Case, C. | Teaching English Learners in Kansas-Topeka (TELK-Topeka) Paraprofessional Development | TELK Paraprofessional Development Day, Topeka, KS | 04/2013 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., Brazil, A., & Valente, R. | Teaching English Learners in Kansas-Topeka (TELK-Topeka) Paraprofessional Development | TELK Paraprofessional Development Day, Topeka, KS | 02/2012 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., & Rocha, L.S. | Migrant Family Literacy Professional Development | Migrant Family Literacy Professional Development for State Migrant Directors and Staff, Wichita, KS | 02/2011 |
Meek, R., Graybill, T., & Chang-Rios, K. | Using Accountability Data to Drive Decision Making for Master Tobacco Settlement Monies | Evaluation 2013, Washington, DC | 10/2013 |
Brodowski, M., Winkle E., Counts, J., & Skala, J. | Alliance for children and families | Webinar | 09/2013 |
Eberhart, T. | Out with the old, in with the new! Transitioning to the new Kansas Interactive Testing Engine™ (KITE®) System | Kansas Common Core: Next Steps Conference | 10/2013 |
Mendez, S., & Hernandez-Castro, A. | Dreamer advocacy: Supporting the post-secondary success of undocumented students | Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MIDTESOL) Conference | 10/2013 |
Mendez, S., & Hernandez-Castro, A. | Kansas dreamers: Supporting the college success of undocumented students | Michael Tilford Conference on Diversity and Multiculturalism | 10/2013 |
Christopher, F., Christenot, S., & Brazil, A. | ELL and bilingual paraeducator workshop | Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MIDTESOL) Conference | 10/2013 |
Christopher, F. | But they don't speak English: ELLs and the Common Core | Kansas Common Core: Next Steps Conference | 10/2013 |
Brazil, A. | Home-school connection | Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (MIDTESOL) Conference | 10/2013 |
Chang, M., Ecker, M., & Howarter, S. | Transitioning programs to meet new federal evaluation requirements | American Evaluation Association | 10/2013 |
Conrad-Heibner, A., & Counts, J. | Measuring protective factors: Shared lessons learned | November CBCAP PLC | 11/2013 |
Karvonen, M., Broaddus, A. & Ruhter, L. | Dynamic Learning Maps™ (DLM) and accessibility | Kansas State Department of Education Annual Conference | 11/2013 |
Richardson, D., Gartska, T., Biggs, J., & Barton, J. | What is MIECHV? The Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood home visiting program in Kansas | 37th Annual Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect | 11/2013 |
Biggs, J., Richardson, D., Gracy, J., Hess, J., & Barton, J. | Follow the yellow brick road with Kansas ECCS and MIECHV: Supporting statewide developmental screenings for children though innovative cross-systems change and collaboration strategies | 2014 AMCHP Annual Conference | 01/2014 |
Eason, B., & Johnson, C. | Creating the sustainability of critical thinking throughout the arts in Kansas City, Kansas | 2013-14 USDE Arts in Education Project Directors Meeting and Evaluation In-Service, Washington, DC | 01/2014 |
Johnson, C., & Eason, B. | Evaluation of the impact of music program participation on students’ musical and academic success and school engagement: A Structural equation model of pathways and contextual factors | 2013-14 USDE Arts in Education Project Directors Meeting and Evaluation In-Service, Washington, DC | 01/2014 |
Biggs, J., Richardson, D., Joy, M., & Garstka, T. | Motivational interviewing (MI) training in the home visiting context: The links between MI training and family outcomes | 19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Orleans, La. | 04/2014 |
Garstka, T., Thompson, B., & Lieberman, A. | Building partnerships between child welfare and education: Overcoming data-sharing challenges to advance research, policy, and practice | 19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Orleans, La. | 04/2014 |
Brazil, A., & Campbell-Stuart, M. | Equitable communication: Interpreting basics | National Migrant Education Conference, San Antonio, Tx. | 04/2014 |
Conrad-Hiebner, A., Counts, J., Campbell-John, L., & Firman, C. | Developing a Spanish language tool for measuring protective factors; a collaborative project of FRIENDS NRC and the University of Kansas | 19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Orleans, La. | 04/2014 |
Conrad-Hiebner, A., Wallio, S., & Schoeman, A. | The influence of caregiver and child age on protective factors within a child welfare setting | SSRW 18th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX | 01/2014 |
Loughran, J., & Skorupski, W. | Understanding differential item functioning with the General Linear Model | NCME, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Richardson, D. & Severin, L. | KIDOS – Improving developmental screening for Kansas infants and toddlers | Presentation at the 2014 Kansas Governor's Public Health Conference, Wichita, KS | 05/2014 |
Chang, K., Ecker-Lyster, M., & Rutt, B. | Developing valid tools using the cognitive laboratory method | Paper presented at the Evaluation Network for the Missouri River Basin Annual Conference | 04/2014 |
Chang, K., Ecker-Lyster, M., & Tiemann, G. | Enhancing the validity of kindergarten assessments | Paper presented at the National Conference on Student Assessment, New Orleans, LA | 06/2014 |
Ecker-Lyster, M. | Creating a culture of data use | Presentation at the Council for Opportunity in Education Annual Conference, Washington, DC | 09/2014 |
Chang, K., & Ecker-Lyster, M. | Enhancing evaluation practices by incorporating systems thinking and collaboration theory | Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO | 10/2014 |
Harvey, K., Sprague-Jones, J., & Taylor, C. | Enhancing protective factors in immigrant and refugee families: Development of culturally competent services | Workshop presented at the 2014 Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Wichita, KS | 10/2014 |
Reed, C., Sprague-Jones, J., & Vuyk, M. A. | Early childhood mental health consultation to promote safe, stable, and nurturing relationships | Workshop presented at the 2014 Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Wichita, KS | 10/2014 |
Broaddus, A., Conrad, Z., Esen, A., & Pardos, Z. | Validation of a mathematics learning map using Bayesian network analysis | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | Comparison of attribute coding procedures for retrofitting cognitive diagnostic models | Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Clark, A. K. | Parameter drift methodology and operational testing application | Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Clark, A. K., & Marion, S. | Common assignment study: A theory of action | Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Chen, F., & Clark, A. K. | Exploration of subgroup equating invariance on elementary reading assessments | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Clark, A. K., Ferster, A., & Zhao, F. | Understanding the academic profiles of students participating in the AA-AAS: A cluster analysis | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Karvonen, M., & Studt, N. | School readiness: Lessons learned during DLM field testing | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, New Orleans, LA | 06/2014 |
Kingston, N. M. | Turning theory into reality – How the six state assessment consortia plans changed during development (and may change during implementation) | National Conference on Student Assessment, New Orleans, LA | 06/2014 |
Broaddus, A., Conrad, Z., Esen, A., & Shaftel, J. | Learning maps: Tools for formative assessment practice | Presentation at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA | 04/2014 |
Broaddus, A., Conrad, Z., Esen, A., Sharma, A., & Walker, S. | Developing understanding of fractions as quotients | Workshop presented at the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Junction City, KS | 10/2013 |
Barton, J., Biggs, J. M., Garstka, T. A., & Richardson, D. | Kansas Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program: Highlights, innovations, and findings | Workshop presented at the Annual Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Wichita, KS | 10/2014 |
Biernat, M., Biggs, J. M., & Hawley, P. H. | Sexist conference climates and their contribution to women’s academic career intentions | Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL | 05/2014 |
Biggs, J. M., Cozadd, G., Davis, M., & Neeley, M. | Center for Restorative Education: A restorative justice approach with suspended or expelled youth | Workshop presented at the Annual Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Wichita, KS | 10/2014 |
Biggs, J. M. | Statewide home visiting services: Capacity and risk data | Presentation at the Kansas Head Start Association Affiliate Program Member Meeting, Salina, KS | 10/2014 |
Armstrong, C. & Biggs, J. M. | Understanding community needs assessments | Presentation at the Partnering for Health Conference, Kansas City, MO | 10/2014 |
Severin, L. & Sellars, T. | Developmental screening benefits ALL families! | Presentation at the 2014 Kansas Parent Leadership Conference, Topeka, KS | 11/2014 |
Severin, L. & Richardson, D. | Achieving a common agenda for KIDOS | Presentation at the Annual Governor's Conference on the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Wichita, KS | 10/2014 |
Severin, L. & Richardson, D. | Achieving a common agenda for KIDOS | Presentation at the Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children KAEYC Professional Development Event, Manhattan, KS | 10/2014 |
Severin, L. | Achieving a common agenda for KIDOS | Presentation at Collaborating for Quality – Strengthening the Conversation: A joint conference between Kansas Head Start and Child Care Aware® of Kansas, Salina, KS | 11/2014 |
Barton, J. | Predictors and effect of service dosage on parental involvement for mothers enrolled in home visiting programs | Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA | 01/2015 |
Brand, B. & Dvorak, M. | Using student-centered learning & competency-based education in afterschool & summer learning to increase student success | Panel discussion at the 2015 Meeting of the National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks, Dallas, TX | 01/2015 |
Brown, E., Cole, J., Conley, K., Dvorak, M., Lang, C., & Ottinger, R. | STEM and workforce development: making policy and partnership connections to afterschool | Panel discussion at the 2015 Meeting of the National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks, Dallas, TX | 01/2015 |
Dvorak, M., Helminski, U., Lederer, L., Lennon, L., McClintock, M., & Niedzielski-Eichner, N. | What's next: Communicating the state of America after 3PM | Panel discussion at the 2015 Meeting of the National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks, Dallas, TX | 01/2015 |
Lemon, M., & Martinson, J. | Increasing mentorship impact through theory to practice innovations in mentoring youth to thrive | Workshop presented at the National Mentoring Summit 2015, Washington, DC | 01/2015 |
Severin, L. | Development screening benefits all families | Workshop presented at the 33rd Annual Kansas Division for Early Childhood Conference, Wichita, KS | 03/2015 |
Willis, R. | Bringing out the best in your program | Workshop presented at the 2015 National Afterschool Association Convention, Washington, DC | 03/2015 |
Cox, O., Richardson, D., & Severin, L. | Kansas Initiative for Development Ongoing Screenings (KIDOS) | Workshop presented at the Power Up! Summit 2015, Lawrence, KS | 03/2015 |
Corso, P., Jones, C., & Sprague-Jones, J. | The road to good investments: Why it matters to know what works | Plenary presentation at the Power Up! Summit 2015, Lawrence, KS | 03/2015 |
Barton, J. | Making our efforts count: Data lessons learned from 2014 | Plenary presentation at the Power Up! Summit 2015, Lawrence, KS | 03/2015 |
Gillam, R. | Hybrid approaches to collective impact | Workshop presented at the Region VII and VIII MIECHV and ECCS Forum, Kansas City, MO | 04/2015 |
Severin, L., & Richardson, D. | Strengthening community developmental screening referral systems for Kansas infants and toddlers | Workshop presented at the Kansas Governor's Public Health Conference, Wichita, KS | 04/2015 |
Gillam, R. | Collective impact | Workshop presented at the 2015 Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Annual Grantees' Meeting, Washington, DC | 06/2015 |
Counts, J. | Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): Translating research into prevention practice | Workshop presented at the 2015 Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Annual Grantees' Meeting, Washington, DC | 06/2015 |
Counts, J., & Gillman, R. | Collective impact: A deeper dive | Workshop presented at the 2015 Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Annual Grantees' Meeting, Washington, DC | 06/2015 |
Edwards, E., & Taylor, E. | Cost analysis project review | Conference plenary at the 2015 Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Annual Grantees' Meeting, Washington, DC | 06/2015 |
Biggs, J., Sprague-Jones, J. & Wedel, X. | The nexus of needs and services: Mapping poverty in Kansas | Workshop presented at the 2015 Kansas Conference on Poverty, Topeka, KS | 07/2015 |
Shaftel, J., & Meyer, E. M. | Technology-enhanced assessment for students with vision or motor disabilities (pdf) | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, San Diego, CA | 04/2015 |
Shaftel, J. | Accessibility for technology-enhanced items | Invited presentation at the Technical Issues in Large Scale Assessment Conference, Austin, TX | 02/2015 |
Shaftel, J. | Accessibility for technology-enhanced assessments (pdf) | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, New Orleans, LA | 06/2014 |
Shaftel, J. & Benz. S. A. | Accessibility for technology-enhanced assessments | Presentation at the Kansas State Department of Education Annual Conference, Wichita, KS | 11/2013 |
Lickvar-Armstrong, C. | Kansas STEM mentor initiative training | Workshop training for grantees, Topeka, KS | 04/2015 |
Memmott, J., & Eason, B. | Evaluating collective impact | Workshop/community training: United Way of Harvey County, Harvey County, KS | 06/2015 |
Memmott, J., & Eason, B. | Evaluating collective impact | Workshop/community training: United Way of Salina, Salina, KS | 04/2015 |
Memmott, J., & Eason, B. | Evaluating collective impact | Workshop/community training: United Way of Douglas County, Lawrence, KS | 01/2015 |
Byrd-Stadler, G., & Hess, M. | Ages and stages questionnaire training | Workshop for nurses and doctors, Baldwin City, KS | 08/2015 |
Christenot, S., Brazil, A., & Wilson, M. | Building skills and knowledge for cross cultural home visits | Workshop for home visitors, Independence, KS | 09/2015 |
Christenot, S., Brazil, A., & Wilson, M. | Building skills and knowledge for cross cultural home visits | Workshop for home visitors, Kansas City, KS | 09/2015 |
Brumberg, M., & Zinn, M. | How to win friends and influence people in 140 characters or less | Workshop at the 2015 Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Topeka, KS | 11/2015 |
Rice, L., & Horras, J. | Lemonade for life: A practitioner's guide to promoting reslience in families | Workshop at the National Parents as Teachers Conference, Dallas, TX | 11/2015 |
Christenot, S., & Wilson, M. | Foundations of communicating through interpreters | Workshop at the 2015 Governor's Conference for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Topeka, KS | 11/2015 |
Andersen, L., Bechard, S., & Merriweather, K. | Equity in science education for students with significant cognitive disabilities through alternate content standards | Poster presentation at the 2016 See/Saw Festival, Lawrence, KS | 03/2016 |
Fitzpatrick, J. & Skorupski, W.P. | The effect on equating of anchor test structure and length | Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2016 |
Skorupski, W.P. & Fitzpatrick, J. | Sampling distributions of cutscores based on panelist accuracy and consistency | Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2016 |
Skorupski, W.P., Zhao, Y., Fitzpatrick, J., & Chen, F. | Cutscore Distribution Theory (CDT): A comparison with G-Theory | Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Kingston, N. M., & Broaddus, A., Gianopulos, G., & Popovic, Z. | Use of learning maps in assessment development | Presentation at the Innovations in Testing Conference, Orlando, FL | 03/2016 |
Broaddus, A. | Successes and challenges in using learning maps as instructional tools | Presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference, Irvine, CA | 01/2016 |
Andersen, L. | Making science accessible to students with significant cognitive disabilities | Presentation at the International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Educators, Reno, NV | 01/2016 |
Perie, M., & Eberhart, T. | Differential performance on technology enhanced items | Presentation at the 9th Conference of the International Test Commission, San Sebastian, Spain | 07/2014 |
Broaddus, A., Swinburne Romine, R., Lawrence, A., & Shipman, M. | Alternate assessment for students who are blind or visually impaired | Paper presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, San Diego, CA | 04/2015 |
Swinburne Romine, R., Andersen, L., Nash, B., Shipman, M., Ruhter, R., & Lawrence, A. | Test development in a learning maps environment | Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Educational Assessment, Lawrence, KS | 10/2015 |
Swinburne Romine, R., Clark, A. K. & Karvonen, M. | Gathering evidence of response processes for alternate assessments (AA-AAS) | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Swinburne Romine, R., & Schuster, J. | Moving beyond learning progressions to dynamic learning maps: A validation study of a Dynamic Learning Map English Language Arts section | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Andersen, L., Bechard, S., & Merriweather, K. | Equity in science education for SWSCD through alternate content standards (pdf) | Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD | 04/2016 |
Lao, H., & Templin, J. | Estimation of diagnostic classification models without constraints: Issues with class label switching | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Swinburne Romine, R., Karvonen, M., & Clark, A. K. | Validity evidence to support alternate assessment score uses: Fidelity and response processes | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | Thinking about your audience in designing and evaluating score reports | Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2014 |
Clark, A. K., Templin, J., Bradshaw, L., & Kingston, N. M. | Psychometrics in a learning maps environment | Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Chen, F., Clark, A. K., & Swinburne Romine, R. | Analysis of learning map structure for a dynamic assessment | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Clark, A. K., Karvonen, M., Kingston, N. M., Anderson, G., & Wells-Moreaux, S. | Designing alternate assessment score reports that maximize instructional impact | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Whetstone, P. J., Clark, A. K., Joannou Lyon, K., & Bladford, J. | Challenges of college for a student with significant disabilities | Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Council on Rural Special Education, New Orleans, LA | 03/2015 |
Karvonen, M., & Clark, A. K. | Computer-based testing for students with significant cognitive disabilities: Challenges and opportunities in the next generation | Presentation at the meeting of the National Conference on Student Assessment, New Orleans, LA | 06/2014 |
Marion, S., & Clark, A. K. | Tools to support the Common Core State Standards: Implementation, impact and next steps for the Literacy Design Collaborative | Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Kingston, N. M. & Clark, A. K. | The future of alternate assessment: Preliminary directions and findings of the two common core based alternate assessment consortia | Structured demonstration session conducted at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Vancouver, Canada | 04/2012 |
Andersen, L., Bechard, S., & Ruhter, L. | Implications of new science frameworks for alternate standards, instruction, and assessment | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, St. Louis, MO | 04/2016 |
Broaddus, A., & Sullivan, M. | Examining effects of pictorial fraction models on student test responses | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Chen, F., Templin, J., & Skorupski, W. | Evaluation of learning map structure using diagnostic cognitive modeling and Bayesian networks | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Chen, F. | Analysis of item difficulty predictors for item pool development | Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Chen, J., & Perie, M. | Comparability within computer-based assessment: Does screen size matter? | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Chen, J., & Perie, M. | Comparability within computer-based assessment: Does screen size matter? | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Swinburne Romine, R., Karvonen, M., & Shipman, M. | Validity evidence for a writing assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Jiang, Z., & Skorupski, W. | A fully Bayesian approach to smoothing the linking function in equipercentile equating | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Qian, H., Trang, K., & Kingston, N. M. | A meta-analysis of the predictive validity of Graduate Management Admission Test | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Qian, H., Trang, K., & Kingston, N. M. | A meta-analysis of the predictive validity of Graduate Management Admission Test | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Perie, M. & Loughran, J. | A passage-based approach to setting cutscores on ELA assessments | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Skorupski, W., Brussow, J., & Loughran, J. | Simultaneous evaluation of DIF and its sources using hierarchical explanatory models | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Templin, J., & Sullivan, M. | Diagnostic measurement: Theory, methods, applications, and software | Workshop training at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Flinders, J., Tiemann, G., Bennett, W., Chang, K., & Ecker-Lyster, M. | Local by design: Cultural relevancy in large-scale assessment | Presentation at the Culturally Relevant Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) Conference 2016, Chicago, IL | 04/2016 |
Ecker-Lyster, M., Chang, K., Tiemann, G., Flinders, J., & Bennett, W. | Enhancing non-cognitive assessments using a performance measurement framework | Presentation at the Culturally Relevant Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) Conference 2016, Chicago, IL | 04/2016 |
Broaddus, A. | Improving assessment literacy for students, parents, educators, and policymakers with five essential understandings | Presentation at the National Council for Supervisors of Mathematics Conference, Oakland, CA | 04/2016 |
Broaddus, A. | Examining teachers' learning as they use learning maps to study mathematics | Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Francisco, CA | 04/2016 |
Karvonen, M., Burton, K., Matthews, D., Gholson, M., & Mayer, T. | Actionable alternate assessment score reports: Supporting instruction and high expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities | Presentation at the 2016 Council of Chief State School Officers National Conference on Student Assessment, Philadelphia, PA | 06/2016 |
Karvonen, M., Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. | Alternate assessment score report interpretation and use: Implications for instructional planning | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Karvonen, M., & Perie, M. | Performance assessments and classroom instruction: Dynamic Learning Maps Consortium perspective | Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC | 04/2016 |
Lawrence, A., Karvonen, M., & Wells-Moreaux, S. | Accessibility supports and implications for educator decisions | Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention & Expo, St. Louis, MO | 04/2016 |
Karvonen, M., Burton, K., Henke, T., Gholson, M., & Keating, N. | Supporting implementation of the Dynamic Learning Maps alternate assessment system: States’ perspectives and lessons learned | Presentation at the 2015 Council of Chief State School Officers National Conference on Student Assessment, San Diego, CA | 06/2015 |
Karvonen, M., Zeller, M., & Thompson, J.R. | Advances in assessment for children and youth with Intellectual Disability | Preconference session at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | 06/2015 |
He, D. | Accessibility of computerized assessments for students with vision and motor disabilities | Roundtable discussion led at the National Conference on Student Assessment, Philadelphia, PA | 06/2016 |
Hall, E., Burket, L., Mezera, D., Smith, S., & Kramer, L. | cPass: On the road to career readiness | Presentation at the 2015 National Conference on Student Assessment, San Diego, CA | 06/2015 |
Perie, M., Tiemann, G., Kramer, L., Smith, S., & Laurent, B. | Designing a multi-stage adaptive assessment | Presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Hall, E., Burket, L., Mezera, D., Smith, S., & Kramer, L. M. B. | cPass: On the road to career readiness | Presentation at the 2015 National Conference on Student Assessment, San Diego, CA | 06/2015 |
Kim, J. P., Kramer, L. M. B., Lui, J., Oh, H., & Tong, Y. | State departments of education and university-based research centers | Workshop presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Kramer, L. M. B., Clyne, C., Foster, T., Massey, J., & Stump, S. | On the road to career readiness: The cPass assessment | Presentation at the National Conference on Student Assessment, Minneapolis, MN | 06/2012 |
Kramer, L. M. B. | Dynamic Learning Maps – Infrastructure and hardware | Presentation at the Technical Issues in Large Scale Assessment Conference, San Antonio, TX | 02/2012 |
Kramer, L. M. B. | Dynamic Learning Maps – Assessing speaking and listening | Presentation at the Technical Issues in Large Scale Assessment Conference, San Antonio, TX | 02/2012 |
Willis, R., & Dvorak, M. | Why afterschool programs matter | Presentation at the League of Kansas Municipalities Conference, Overland Park, KS | 10/2016 |
Willis, R., & Dvorak, M. | It’s more than reading, writing, and arithmetic… Social and emotional learning – center stage | Presentation at the Kansas Out of School Conference, Wichita, KS | 10/2016 |
Grant, J., Braithwaite, M., & Dvorak, M. | Investing in prevention through afterschool and juvenile partnerships | Presentation at the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Summer Institute, Phoenix, AZ | 07/2016 |
Dvorak, M., Smith, W., & Yamashiro, N. | How to tell your afterschool story: Using data to pave a pathway to sustainability | Presentation at the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Summer Institute, Phoenix, AZ | 07/2016 |
Dvorak, M., Smith, D., Otto, N., & MacDonald, R. | Student centered learning using digital badging | Presentation at the National STEM Institute: Cultivating the STEM Continuum, Portland, OR | 05/2016 |
Helminski, U., Wenk, E., Lennon, L., Dvorak, M., Waymer, Z., & Zipes, D. | Strategic communications to advance policy | Presentation at the National Network Meetings of Statewide Afterschool Networks, Detroit, MI | 04/2016 |
Holland, J., Rich, M., Dvorak, M., & Wood, J. | Strategic communications to inform afterschool and summer learning policy | Presentation at the National Network Meetings of Statewide Afterschool Networks, Detroit, MI | 04/2016 |
Rinehart, J., Azzarella, T., Garver, S., Gilmartin, S., & Dvorak, M. | Afterschool in rural communities: A data driven picture and strategies for support | Presentation at the National Network Meetings of Statewide Afterschool Networks, Detroit, MI | 04/2016 |
Yamashiro, N., Dvorak, M., Brown, D., & Shepard, S. | Rural afterschool programs: The essentials | Presentation at the National Afterschool Association Convention, Orlando, FL | 03/2016 |
Ball, T. C., Biggs, J., & Barton, J. L. | Sharing psychology: The discipline’s role in community collaborations | Poster presentation at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Minneapolis, MN | 06/2016 |
Sprague-Jones, J., Barton, J., & Biggs, J. | Empowering non-profits to use cost analysis to demonstrate impact | Presentation at the 2016 Kansas Conference on Poverty, Topeka, KS | 07/2016 |
Barton, J. L. | The problems, politics, and people of federal investments in evidence-based home visiting | Presentation at the Influencing Social Policy’s Policy Conference 2.0, St. Louis, MO | 06/2016 |
Sprague-Jones, J., Biggs, J., & Barton, J. | Demystifying cost analysis: Empowering nonprofits to use cost analysis to demonstrate impact | Presentation at the Kansas Community Action Program Fiscal Matters Affinity Group, Topeka, KS | 08/2016 |
Sprague-Jones, J., Counts, J., & Firman, C. | The protective factors survey: Revising the instrument to better capture families’ growth and change | Presentation at the National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Washington, DC | 08/2016 |
Sprague-Jones, J. | Developing cost analysis materials for child abuse prevention programs | Presentation at the Federal Interagency Work Group on Child Abuse and Neglect, Washington, DC | 07/2016 |
Swinburne Romine, R., & Shipman, M. | Instructionally relevant large scale writing assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities | Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, St. Louis, MO | 04/2016 |
Wang, W., & Loughran, J. | Score distances of technology enhanced items (pdf) | Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Wang, W. | A Bayesian nonparametric model fit statistic of item response models (pdf) | Paper presented for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL | 04/2015 |
Wang, W. | Comparing through-course and across-year summative assessment growth scores (pdf) | Paper presented for the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Wang, W., Kingston, N. M., Hock, M., Tiemann, G., Davis, M., & Tonks, S. | Application of the hierarchical item response model to a computer adaptive test of graded response data (pdf) | Paper presented for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Im, S., & Wang, W. | Response validity of reading motivation adaptive assessment | Paper presented for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA | 04/2014 |
Wang, W., McKinley, R., Kramer, L. M. B., & Kingston, N. M. | Validity evidence based on the internal structure of the interim assessment (pdf) | Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC | 08/2011 |
Dvorak, M. | Next generation of science assessment | Workshop presented at the STEM Afterschool Institute Conference, Silver Spring, MD | 02/2017 |
Lickvar-Armstrong, C., & Lemon, M. | An “EPIC” approach to connecting youth & business | Presentation at the Mozilla Festival, London, United Kingdom | 10/2016 |
Backer, A., Biggs, J., Palermo, M., Richardson, D., & Garstka, T.A. | Implementing Motivational Interviewing in home visiting programs: Impact on home visitor practice | Poster presentation at the American Counseling Association Conference, Orlando, FL | 03/2015 |
Boothby, C., Kowald, N., Richardson, D., & Severin, L. | Partnerships, strategies and tools to improve and promote developmental screening: An overview of three initiatives | Symposium conducted at the 2017 Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs Conference, Kansas City, MO | 03/2017 |
Trimbach, D. | Engaging community stakeholders through innovative methods | Paper presented at the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions, Ithaca, NY | 12/2016 |
Willis, R. | Telling the afterschool story with data | Symposium conducted at the Statewide Afterschool Networks Meeting, Detroit, MI | 04/2016 |
Willis, R. | Investing in prevention through partnership with juvenile justice | Symposium conducted at the Statewide Afterschool Networks Meeting, Detroit, MI | 04/2016 |
Willis, R. | Taking a close look at afterschool in rural America | Presentation at the Afterschool for All Challenge, Washington, DC | 05/2016 |
Sprague-Jones, J. | Developing cost analysis materials for child abuse prevention programs | Presentation at the Federal Interagency Work Group on Child Abuse & Neglect, Washington, DC | 07/2016 |
Sprague-Jones, J., Biggs, J., & Barton, J. | Demystifying cost analysis: Empowering nonprofits to use cost analysis to demonstrate impact | Presentation at the Kansas Community Action Program Fiscal Matters Affinity Group, Topeka, KS | 08/2016 |
Willis, R., & Lickvar-Armstrong, C. | Is STEM Greek to you? Discover the excitement around STEM and the Next Generation Science Standards | Symposium conducted at the Kansas Conference on Service and Volunteerism, Wichita, KS | 10/2014 |
Flinders, J., Lickvar-Armstrong, C., Barton, J., Leopold, M., & Naemi, P. | Rethinking “space” through the rules of engagement: Collaborative work at CPPR | Symposium conducted at the 13th Annual Graduate Research Conference, KU Professionals for Inclusion & Social Justice, Lawrence, KS | 02/2017 |
Lemon, M., Lickvar-Armstrong, C., & Davis, A. | An “EPIC” approach to connecting youth and business | Symposium conducted at SXSWedu, Austin, TX | 03/2017 |
Wilson, M. | Road to the new membership year | Presentation at the Sertoma Kansas District Leadership Conference, Topeka, KS | 03/2017 |
Wilson, M. | How to support your student to reach their goals | Presentation at the Minority Scholarship Workshop, Topeka, KS | 10/2016 |
Wilson, M. | Leadership: Developing a high performing team | Presentation at the 2016 Big XII Conference on Black Student Government, Lawrence, KS | 02/2016 |
Wilson, M. | The road to college | Workshop conducted at the Minority Scholarship Workshop, Topeka, KS | 10/2015 |
Counts, J. | Getting your own house in order and then taking it to the streets | Presentation at the 2016 Child Abuse Prevention and Family Support Conference, Des Moines, IA | 04/2016 |
Adams, L., & Myers, S. | Balanced assessment systems for English language arts | Presentation at the Kansas State Department of Education Annual Conference, Wichita, KS | 10/2016 |
Adams, L. | The Kansas Assessment Program and the transition to the Common Core | Presentation at the Kansas Common Core: Next Steps Conference, Holcomb, KS | 10/2013 |
Broaddus, A., & Adams, L. | Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment Consortium – implications for educators in Kansas | Presentation at the Strategies for Educational Improvement: Organizing Schools for Success Conference, Lawrence, KS | 06/2011 |
Buller, J., & Yoder, S. | The history of poverty in America: Looking back to move forward | Presentation at the Kansas Conference on Poverty 2017, Topeka, KS | 07/2017 |
Perico, S. | Prevention dollars at work: Piloting a new way to measure outcomes (pdf) | Poster presentation at the Children’s Bureau Community-based Child Abuse Prevention Program meeting, Arlington, VA | 08/2017 |
Waller, T., & Allen D., &Harris R., & Chavez V. | Pursuing Partnership Possibilities: Making the right connections to maximize your grant funds (pdf) | NCCEP/GEAR UP National Conference, San Francisco, CA | 07/2017 |
Stoltenberg, A., & Barkley, A. | CETE's Interim Assessment System | Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Topeka, KS | 10/2017 |
Stoltenberg, A. | The Kansas Assessment Program and the Transition to the Common Core | Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Junction City, KS | 10/2017 |
Karvonen, M., Swinburne Romine, R., Thatcher, E., Denne, J.,& Shipman, M. | Supporting Instruction for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Using Online, Instructionally Embedded Assessments | NCME Special Conference on Classroom Assessment and Large-Scale Psychometrics, Lawrence, KS | 09/2017 |
Welch Buller, J. | SNAP E&T Learning Academy Project Presentation: Third-Party Partner Outreach &Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS): SNAP E&T Learning Academy, Seattle, WA | 09/2017 |
Garstka, T., Barton, J.,&Harms, R. | How to Build a Shared Measurement System in Early Childhood | National Smart Start Conference, Greensboro, NC | 05/2017 |
Lemon, Michael P.,&Looze, J. | Keynote: Finding Your Spark, Growing Your Mindset: The Why and How of Thriving in Your Work | Child Care Aware® of America’s 2017 Leadership Institute Growing Momentum toward Breakthrough Solutions, Kansas City, MO | 10/2017 |
Barton, J.,&Looze, J. | Using Data to Make Decisions: It’s not as Scary as You Think | ec11 Summit: The power of early childhood, Topeka, KS | 04/2017 |
Chapman, S., Looze, J., Gillam, R., Nelson, J., Stroda, T.,&Sisson, R. | Beyond Benchmarks: How a Shared Data System Impacts Care | CityMatCH MCH Leadership Conference & Healthy Start Conventionm, Nashville, TN | 09/2017 |
Chapman, S., Gillam, R., Nelson, J., Stroda, T.,&Sisson, R. | Delivering Change for Babies in Geary County, Kansas: How One Community Collaborated to Reverse a Disturbing Trend | Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs Annual Conference, Washington, DC | 03/2017 |
Boddy, L. E., Burgoyne, C. E., Adams, Natasia J.,&Hamilton, N. A., Ph.D | College Sleep Habits: Sleep Quality & Distress During the First Semester | 2017 Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting: Rapid Communication, San Diego, CA | 03/2017 |
Urbach, E. | Mujeres y Niñas: Somos Fuerte a Juntos | Creciendo en Libertad e Igualdad: Growing in Freedom and Equality, Paraguay | 05/2017 |
Buller, J. | An Introduction to the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study & Promising Practices | Kansas Department for Children and Families, Economic & Employment Services Administrative Meeting, Topeka, KS | 04/2016 |
Buller, J. | ACEs in the Workplace: An Introduction to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study and Workplace Impacts | Kansas Department for Children and Families, Economic & Employment Services, SNAP Employment & Training Staff Conference, Whichita, KS | 09/2017 |
Buller, J. | SNAP E&T Learning Academy Project Presentation: Third-Party Partner Outreach & Education | U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS): SNAP E&T Learning Academy, Seattle, WA | 09/2017 |
Karvonen, M., Swinburne Romine, R., Clark, A. K., Brussow, J., & Kingston, N. | Promoting accurate score report interpretation and use for instructional planning | National Council on Measurement in Education, San Antonio, TX | 04/2017 |
Clark, A. K., Karvonen, M., Swinburne Romine, R., & Nash, B. | Exploring teacher choice when using an instructionally embedded alternate assessment system (pdf) | National Council on Measurement in Education, San Antonio, TX | 04/2017 |
Buller, J. | Client Engagement, Motivation, and Behavioral Science: Strategies to unleash individuals’ potential & strengths in the workforce | GOALS Statewide All-staff Training, Wichita, KS | 11/2017 |
Willis, R., Huff, T | How do the ABCs of Afterschool Correlate with the 5 Rs | Kansas Association of School Boards Conference 2017, Wichita, KS | 12/2017 |
Willis, R., Dvorak, M. | KESA (Kids Enjoy Summer and Afterschool) It isn't what you think | Kansas Department of Education Annual Conference, Wichita, KS | 10/2017 |