AAI Publications
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Author | Title | Publication | Date |
Clark, A. K. & Karvonen, M. | Constructing and Evaluating a Validation Argument for a Next-Generation Alternate Assessment (pdf) | Journal Article | 2020 |
Karvonen, M., Clark, A. | Students With the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who Are Also English Learners (pdf) | Journal Article | 2019 |
Nehler, C., Clark, A. & Karvonen, M. | Interviews with Teachers of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities who are English Learners (pdf) | Research Synopsis | 2019 |
Nehler, C., Clark, A. & Karvonen, M. | Considerations for Measuring Academic Growth on Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessments (pdf) | White Paper | 2019 |
Bechard, S., Clark, A., Swinburne Romine, R., Karvonen, M., Kingston, N. & Erickson, K. | Use of Evidence-Centered Design to Develop Learning Maps-Based Assessments (pdf) | Journal Article | 2019 |
Thompson, W. J., Clark, A. K. & Nash, B. | Measuring the Reliability of Diagnostic Mastery Classifications at Multiple Levels of Reporting (pdf) | Journal Article | 2019 |
Thompson, W. J. | Bayesian Psychometrics for Diagnostic Assessments: A Proof of Concept (pdf) | Research Report | 2019 |
Andersen, L., Nash, B. L. & Bechard, S. | Articulating the Validity Evidence for a Science Alternate Assessment (pdf) | Journal Article | 2018 |
Clark, A. K., Nash, B., Karvonen, M. & Kingston, N. | Condensed Mastery Profile Method for Setting Standards for Diagnostic Assessment Systems (pdf) | Journal Article | 2017 |
Nehler, C., Burnes, J. & Clark, A. K. | Accessibility for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired (pdf) | Project Brief | 2020 |
Cho, H. J., & Kingston, N. M. | Understanding test-type assignment: Why do special educators make unexpected test-type assignments? | Psychology in the Schools | 2014 |
Cho, H. J., & Kingston, N. M. | Why individualized education program teams assign low-performing students with mild disabilities to the Alternate Assessment Alternate Achievement Standards | Journal of Special Education | 2013 |
Cho, H. J., & Kingston, N. M. | Examining the effectiveness of test accommodation using DIF and a mixture IRT model | Journal of Applied Measurement in Education | 2012 |
Kingston, N. M., & Tiemann, G. C. | Setting performance standards on complex assessments: The body of work method. | G. J. Cizek (Ed.), Setting performance standards: Foundations, methods, and innovations, second edition | 2012 |
Kingston, N. M., Tiemann, G.C., Miller, H. L., & Foster, D. | An analysis of the discrete-option multiple choice item type | Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling | 2012 |
Kingston, N. M. | Educational testing case studies | James Wollack and John Fremer (Eds.), Handbook of Test Security | 2013 |
Whetstone, P., Abell, M., Collins, B., & Kleinert, H. | Teacher preparation in moderate and severe disabilities: A state tool for intern support | Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children | 2012 |
Cho, H. J., Wehmeyer, M., & Kingston, N. M. | Factors that predict elementary educators’ perceptions and practice in teaching self-determination | Journal of Psychology in the Schools | 2013 |
Cho, H. J., Wehmeyer, M., & Kingston, N. M. | A SAS/IML program using the Kalman filter for estimating state space model | Preventing School Failure | 2012 |
Gu, F., & Yung, Y-F. | The effect of social and classroom ecological factors on promoting self-determination in elementary school | Behavior Research Methods | 2012 |
Martin, A., Brazil, A., & Brooks-Gunn, J. | The socioemotional outcomes of young children of teenage mothers by paternal coresidence | Journal of Family Issues | 2013 |
Gumus, S., & Atalmis, E. | Achievement gaps between different school types and regions in Turkey: Have they changed over time? | Mevlana International Journal of Education (MIJE) | 2012 |
Gross, J., Wallace, L., Blue-Banning, M., Summers, J., & Turnbull, A. | Examining the experiences and decisions of parents/guardians: Participant directing the supports and services of adults with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities (SIDD) | Journal of Disability Policy Studies | 2013 |
Francis, G., Gross, J., Turnbull, H.R., & Parent-Johnson, W. | Evaluating the effectiveness of the Kansas Family Employment Awareness Training | Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities | 2012 |
Ball, T. C., & Nario-Redmond, M. R. | Social identity as a foundation for positive interventions | The Handbook of Positive Psychology Interventions | 2013 |
Counts, J., Brodowski, M., Gillam, R., Baker, L., Collins, V., Winkle, E., Skala, J., Stokes, K., Gomez, R., & Redmon, J. | Translating evidence-based policy to practice: A multilevel partnership using the interactive systems framework | Families in Society | 2013 |
Counts, J., Strader, K., & Filene, J. | Federal home visiting under the Affordable Care Act | Zero to Three | 2013 |
Clark, A. K., & Whetstone, P. | The impact of an online tutoring program on mathematics achievement | Journal of Educational Research | 2014 |
Ball, T. C., & Parks, A. | Positive Psychology | Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology | 2013 |
Eason, B., & Wolf-Wendel, L. E. | Women's colleges and universities | Gender and Higher Education | 2011 |
Dvorak, M., Johannes, E., & Mullins, E. | Bringing the universities into the mix: New opportunities for enhancing afterschool and summer learning programs | Expanding minds and opportunities: leveraging the power of afterschool and summer learning for student success | 2013 |
Mendenhall, A. N., Frauenholts, S., & Conrad-Hiebner, A. | Provider perception of mental health literacy among youth. | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2012 |
Colwell, C., Meeker-Miller, A., & Memmott, J. | Music and sign language to promote infant and toddler communication and enhance parent-child interaction | International Journal of Music Education | 2013 |
Mendenhall, A. N., Frauenholtz, S., & Conrad-Hiebner, A. | Provider perceptions of mental health literacy among youth | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | 2013 |
Lim Brodowski, M., Counts, J., & Conrad-Hiebner, A. | Early childhood home visiting | Encyclopedia of Social Work Online | 2014 |
Kingston, N. M., & Clark, A. K. | Test fraud: Statistical detection and methodology | Routledge | 2014 |
Whetstone, P., Clark, A. K., & Wheeler, M. F. | Teacher perceptions of an online tutoring program for elementary mathematics | Journal of Educational Research | 2014 |
Kingston, N. M., Tiemann, G. C., & Loughran, J. | Commentary on "Construct Maps as a Foundation for Standard Setting" | Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives | 2013 |
Cho., H. J., & Kingston, N. M. | Examining teachers’ decisions on test-type assignment for statewide assessments | Journal of Special Education | 2013 |
Popham, W. J., Berliner, D.C., Kingston, N. M., Fuhrman, S. H., Ladd, S. M., Charbonneau, J., & Chatterji, M. | Can today's standardized tests yield instructionally useful data? Challenges, promises and the state of the art (pdf) | Quality Assurance in Education | 2014 |
Adjei, S., Selent, D., Heffernan, N., Pardos, Z., Broaddus, A., & Kingston, N. M. | Refining learning maps with data fitting techniques: Searching for better fitting learning maps (pdf) | The 2014 Proceedings of the International Educational Data Mining Society | 2014 |
Levy, M., Garstka, T., Lieberman, A., Thompson, B., Metzenthin, J., & Noble, J. | The education experience of youth in foster care | Journal of At-Risk Issues | 2014 |
Garstka, T., Lieberman, A., Biggs, J., Thompson, B., & Levy, M. | Barriers to cross-systems collaboration in child welfare, education, and the courts: Supporting educational well-being of youth in care through systems change | Journal of Public Child Welfare | 2014 |
Collins-Camargo, C., & Garstka, T. | Promoting outcomes achievement in child welfare: Predictors of evidence-informed practice | Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work | 2014 |
Conrad-Hiebner, A., Counts, J., Shoemann, A., & Chang, K. | The development and validation of the Spanish adaptation of the Protective Factors Survey | Children & Youth Services Review | In press |
Kelly, G. A., & Lazarus, J. | Perceptions of successful aging: Intergenerational voices value well-being | International Journal of Aging and Human Development | 2015 |
Bailey, A., Brazil, A., Conrad-Hiebner, A., & Counts, J. | Protective factors among Latino families in child welfare: A review of Spanish Protective Factor research on child maltreatment prevention in seven countries | Children & Youth Services Review | 2015 |
Fitzpatrick, J., & Skorupski, W. P. | Equating with minitests using IRT | Journal of Educational Measurement | In press |
Andersen, L., & Chen, J. A. | Do high ability students disidentify with science? A descriptive study of science motivation profiles in U.S. ninth-graders in 2009 | Science Education | 2016 |
Kopriva, R., Thurlow, M. L., Perie, M., Lazarus, S. L., & Clark, A. K. | Test takers and the validity of score interpretations | Educational Psychologist | 2016 |
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M. | A brief history of research on test fraud detection and prevention | Test fraud: Statistical detection and methodology | 2014 |
Karvonen, M., Wakeman, S., & Kingston, N. M. | Alternate Assessment | Handbook of research-based practices for educating students with intellectual disability | In press |
Kingston, N. M., & Kramer, L. M. B. | High stakes test construction and test use | APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology, Vol. 1 | 2013 |
Kingston, N. M., Scheuring, S. T., & Kramer, L. M. B. | Test development strategies | The Oxford Handbook of Quantitative Methods, Vol. 1 | 2012 |
Dvorak, M., Hutton, B., & Willis, R. | Learning doesn’t stop | Kansas Child | 2016 |
Gillam, R., Counts, J., & Garstka, T. | Collective impact facilitators: How contextual and procedural factors influence collaboration | Community Development | 2016 |
Barton, J. L. | Federal investments in evidence-based early childhood home visiting: A multiple streams analysis | Poverty & Public Policy | 2016 |
Vuyk, M. A., Sprague-Jones, J., & Reed, C. | Early childhood mental health consultation: An evaluation of effectiveness in a rural community | Infant Mental Health Journal | 2016 |
Magnuson, B., & Dvorak, M. | Stop locking up so many Kansas kids (editorial) | The Wichita Eagle | 2016 |
Kingston, N. M., Karvonen, M., Bechard, S., & Erickson, K. | The philosophical underpinnings and key features of the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment | Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education | In press |
Noy, S., & Sprague-Jones, J. | Comparative dynamics of public health spending: Re-conceptualizing delta-convergence to examine OECD and Latin America | International Journal of Comparative Sociology | 2016 |
Counts, J. | Beyond quality | Kansas Child | 2016 |
Gillman, R., & Patti, B. | Why sparks and mindset matter | Kansas Child | 2017 |
Harrison, S., Oehme, K., Urbach, E., Blankenship, L., & Onifade, E. | Domestic violence screening: A national hotline survey | Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly | 2017 |
Counts, J., Gillam, R., Perico, S., & Eggers, K. | Lemonade for life - A pilot study on a hope-infused, trauma-informed approach to help families understand their past and focus on the future (pdf) | Children and Youth Services Review | 2017 |
Blake, S. | An Introvert at the Communications Conference | Ideas in Motion | 2017 |
Crandall, C., Cox, O., Beasley, R., & Omelicheva, M. | Covert Operations, Wars, Detainee Destinations, and the Psychology of Democratic Peace | Journal of Conflict Resolution | 2016 |
Clark, A. K, Nash, B., Karvonen, M., & Kingston, N. | Condensed mastery profile method for setting standards for diagnostic assessment systems | Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice | 2017 |