AAI Publications

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AAI Publications
Clark, A. K. & Karvonen, M.Constructing and Evaluating a Validation Argument for a Next-Generation Alternate Assessment (pdf)Journal Article2020
Karvonen, M., Clark, A.Students With the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who Are Also English Learners (pdf)Journal Article2019
Nehler, C., Clark, A. & Karvonen, M.Interviews with Teachers of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities who are English Learners (pdf)Research Synopsis2019
Nehler, C., Clark, A. & Karvonen, M.Considerations for Measuring Academic Growth on Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessments (pdf)White Paper2019
Bechard, S., Clark, A., Swinburne Romine, R., Karvonen, M., Kingston, N. & Erickson, K.Use of Evidence-Centered Design to Develop Learning Maps-Based Assessments (pdf)Journal Article2019
Thompson, W. J., Clark, A. K. & Nash, B.Measuring the Reliability of Diagnostic Mastery Classifications at Multiple Levels of Reporting (pdf)Journal Article2019
Thompson, W. J.Bayesian Psychometrics for Diagnostic Assessments: A Proof of Concept (pdf)Research Report2019
Andersen, L., Nash, B. L. & Bechard, S.Articulating the Validity Evidence for a Science Alternate Assessment (pdf)Journal Article2018
Clark, A. K., Nash, B., Karvonen, M. & Kingston, N.Condensed Mastery Profile Method for Setting Standards for Diagnostic Assessment Systems (pdf)Journal Article2017
Nehler, C., Burnes, J. & Clark, A. K.Accessibility for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired (pdf)Project Brief2020
Cho, H. J., & Kingston, N. M.Understanding test-type assignment: Why do special educators make unexpected test-type assignments?Psychology in the Schools2014
Cho, H. J., & Kingston, N. M.Why individualized education program teams assign low-performing students with mild disabilities to the Alternate Assessment Alternate Achievement StandardsJournal of Special Education2013
Cho, H. J., & Kingston, N. M.Examining the effectiveness of test accommodation using DIF and a mixture IRT modelJournal of Applied Measurement in Education2012
Kingston, N. M., & Tiemann, G. C.Setting performance standards on complex assessments: The body of work method.G. J. Cizek (Ed.), Setting performance standards: Foundations, methods, and innovations, second edition2012
Kingston, N. M., Tiemann, G.C., Miller, H. L., & Foster, D.An analysis of the discrete-option multiple choice item typePsychological Test and Assessment Modeling2012
Kingston, N. M.Educational testing case studiesJames Wollack and John Fremer (Eds.), Handbook of Test Security2013
Whetstone, P., Abell, M., Collins, B., & Kleinert, H.Teacher preparation in moderate and severe disabilities: A state tool for intern supportTeacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children2012
Cho, H. J., Wehmeyer, M., & Kingston, N. M.Factors that predict elementary educators’ perceptions and practice in teaching self-determinationJournal of Psychology in the Schools2013
Cho, H. J., Wehmeyer, M., & Kingston, N. M.A SAS/IML program using the Kalman filter for estimating state space modelPreventing School Failure2012
Gu, F., & Yung, Y-F.The effect of social and classroom ecological factors on promoting self-determination in elementary schoolBehavior Research Methods2012
Martin, A., Brazil, A., & Brooks-Gunn, J.The socioemotional outcomes of young children of teenage mothers by paternal coresidenceJournal of Family Issues2013
Gumus, S., & Atalmis, E.Achievement gaps between different school types and regions in Turkey: Have they changed over time?Mevlana International Journal of Education (MIJE)2012
Gross, J., Wallace, L., Blue-Banning, M., Summers, J., & Turnbull, A.Examining the experiences and decisions of parents/guardians: Participant directing the supports and services of adults with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities (SIDD)Journal of Disability Policy Studies2013
Francis, G., Gross, J., Turnbull, H.R., & Parent-Johnson, W.Evaluating the effectiveness of the Kansas Family Employment Awareness TrainingResearch and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities2012
Ball, T. C., & Nario-Redmond, M. R.Social identity as a foundation for positive interventionsThe Handbook of Positive Psychology Interventions2013
Counts, J., Brodowski, M., Gillam, R., Baker, L., Collins, V., Winkle, E., Skala, J., Stokes, K., Gomez, R., & Redmon, J.Translating evidence-based policy to practice: A multilevel partnership using the interactive systems frameworkFamilies in Society2013
Counts, J., Strader, K., & Filene, J.Federal home visiting under the Affordable Care ActZero to Three2013
Clark, A. K., & Whetstone, P.The impact of an online tutoring program on mathematics achievementJournal of Educational Research2014
Ball, T. C., & Parks, A.Positive PsychologyOxford Bibliographies in Psychology2013
Eason, B., & Wolf-Wendel, L. E.Women's colleges and universitiesGender and Higher Education2011
Dvorak, M., Johannes, E., & Mullins, E.Bringing the universities into the mix: New opportunities for enhancing afterschool and summer learning programsExpanding minds and opportunities: leveraging the power of afterschool and summer learning for student success2013
Mendenhall, A. N., Frauenholts, S., & Conrad-Hiebner, A.Provider perception of mental health literacy among youth.Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal2012
Colwell, C., Meeker-Miller, A., & Memmott, J.Music and sign language to promote infant and toddler communication and enhance parent-child interactionInternational Journal of Music Education2013
Mendenhall, A. N., Frauenholtz, S., & Conrad-Hiebner, A.Provider perceptions of mental health literacy among youthChild and Adolescent Social Work Journal2013
Lim Brodowski, M., Counts, J., & Conrad-Hiebner, A.Early childhood home visitingEncyclopedia of Social Work Online2014
Kingston, N. M., & Clark, A. K.Test fraud: Statistical detection and methodologyRoutledge2014
Whetstone, P., Clark, A. K., & Wheeler, M. F.Teacher perceptions of an online tutoring program for elementary mathematicsJournal of Educational Research2014
Kingston, N. M., Tiemann, G. C., & Loughran, J.Commentary on "Construct Maps as a Foundation for Standard Setting"Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives2013
Cho., H. J., & Kingston, N. M.Examining teachers’ decisions on test-type assignment for statewide assessmentsJournal of Special Education2013
Popham, W. J., Berliner, D.C., Kingston, N. M., Fuhrman, S. H., Ladd, S. M., Charbonneau, J., & Chatterji, M.Can today's standardized tests yield instructionally useful data? Challenges, promises and the state of the art (pdf)Quality Assurance in Education2014
Adjei, S., Selent, D., Heffernan, N., Pardos, Z., Broaddus, A., & Kingston, N. M.Refining learning maps with data fitting techniques: Searching for better fitting learning maps (pdf)The 2014 Proceedings of the International Educational Data Mining Society2014
Levy, M., Garstka, T., Lieberman, A., Thompson, B., Metzenthin, J., & Noble, J.The education experience of youth in foster careJournal of At-Risk Issues2014
Garstka, T., Lieberman, A., Biggs, J., Thompson, B., & Levy, M.Barriers to cross-systems collaboration in child welfare, education, and the courts: Supporting educational well-being of youth in care through systems changeJournal of Public Child Welfare2014
Collins-Camargo, C., & Garstka, T.Promoting outcomes achievement in child welfare: Predictors of evidence-informed practiceJournal of Evidence-Based Social Work2014
Conrad-Hiebner, A., Counts, J., Shoemann, A., & Chang, K.The development and validation of the Spanish adaptation of the Protective Factors SurveyChildren & Youth Services ReviewIn press
Kelly, G. A., & Lazarus, J.Perceptions of successful aging: Intergenerational voices value well-beingInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development2015
Bailey, A., Brazil, A., Conrad-Hiebner, A., & Counts, J.Protective factors among Latino families in child welfare: A review of Spanish Protective Factor research on child maltreatment prevention in seven countriesChildren & Youth Services Review2015
Fitzpatrick, J., & Skorupski, W. P.Equating with minitests using IRTJournal of Educational MeasurementIn press
Andersen, L., & Chen, J. A.Do high ability students disidentify with science? A descriptive study of science motivation profiles in U.S. ninth-graders in 2009Science Education2016
Kopriva, R., Thurlow, M. L., Perie, M., Lazarus, S. L., & Clark, A. K.Test takers and the validity of score interpretationsEducational Psychologist2016
Clark, A. K., & Kingston, N. M.A brief history of research on test fraud detection and preventionTest fraud: Statistical detection and methodology2014
Karvonen, M., Wakeman, S., & Kingston, N. M.Alternate AssessmentHandbook of research-based practices for educating students with intellectual disabilityIn press
Kingston, N. M., & Kramer, L. M. B.High stakes test construction and test useAPA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology, Vol. 12013
Kingston, N. M., Scheuring, S. T., & Kramer, L. M. B.Test development strategiesThe Oxford Handbook of Quantitative Methods, Vol. 12012
Dvorak, M., Hutton, B., & Willis, R.Learning doesn’t stopKansas Child2016
Gillam, R., Counts, J., & Garstka, T.Collective impact facilitators: How contextual and procedural factors influence collaborationCommunity Development2016
Barton, J. L.Federal investments in evidence-based early childhood home visiting: A multiple streams analysisPoverty & Public Policy2016
Vuyk, M. A., Sprague-Jones, J., & Reed, C.Early childhood mental health consultation: An evaluation of effectiveness in a rural communityInfant Mental Health Journal2016
Magnuson, B., & Dvorak, M.Stop locking up so many Kansas kids (editorial)The Wichita Eagle2016
Kingston, N. M., Karvonen, M., Bechard, S., & Erickson, K.The philosophical underpinnings and key features of the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate AssessmentYearbook of the National Society for the Study of EducationIn press
Noy, S., & Sprague-Jones, J.Comparative dynamics of public health spending: Re-conceptualizing delta-convergence to examine OECD and Latin AmericaInternational Journal of Comparative Sociology2016
Counts, J.Beyond qualityKansas Child2016
Gillman, R., & Patti, B.Why sparks and mindset matterKansas Child2017
Harrison, S., Oehme, K., Urbach, E., Blankenship, L., & Onifade, E.Domestic violence screening: A national hotline surveyFamily & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly2017
Counts, J., Gillam, R., Perico, S., & Eggers, K.Lemonade for life - A pilot study on a hope-infused, trauma-informed approach to help families understand their past and focus on the future (pdf)Children and Youth Services Review2017
Blake, S.An Introvert at the Communications ConferenceIdeas in Motion2017
Crandall, C., Cox, O., Beasley, R., & Omelicheva, M.Covert Operations, Wars, Detainee Destinations, and the Psychology of Democratic PeaceJournal of Conflict Resolution2016
Clark, A. K, Nash, B., Karvonen, M., & Kingston, N.Condensed mastery profile method for setting standards for diagnostic assessment systemsEducational Measurement: Issues and Practice2017